
Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry overview

Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry is based on the open source OpenTelemetry project, which aims to provide unified, standardized, and vendor-neutral telemetry data collection for cloud-native software. Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry product provides support for deploying and managing the OpenTelemetry Collector and simplifying the workload instrumentation.

The OpenTelemetry Collector can receive, process, and forward telemetry data in multiple formats, making it the ideal component for telemetry processing and interoperability between telemetry systems. The Collector provides a unified solution for collecting and processing metrics, traces, and logs.

The OpenTelemetry Collector has a number of features including the following:

Data Collection and Processing Hub

It acts as a central component that gathers telemetry data like metrics and traces from various sources. This data can be created from instrumented applications and infrastructure.

Customizable telemetry data pipeline

The OpenTelemetry Collector is designed to be customizable. It supports various processors, exporters, and receivers.

Auto-instrumentation features

Automatic instrumentation simplifies the process of adding observability to applications. Developers don’t need to manually instrument their code for basic telemetry data.

Here are some of the use cases for the OpenTelemetry Collector:

Centralized data collection

In a microservices architecture, the Collector can be deployed to aggregate data from multiple services.

Data enrichment and processing

Before forwarding data to analysis tools, the Collector can enrich, filter, and process this data.

Multi-backend receiving and exporting

The Collector can receive and send data to multiple monitoring and analysis platforms simultaneously.

Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry 3.0

Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry 3.0 is based on OpenTelemetry 0.89.0.

New features and enhancements

This update introduces the following enhancements:

  • The OpenShift distributed tracing data collection Operator is renamed as the Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry Operator.

  • Support for the ARM architecture.

  • Support for the Prometheus receiver for metrics collection.

  • Support for the Kafka receiver and exporter for sending traces and metrics to Kafka.

  • Support for cluster-wide proxy environments.

  • The Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry Operator creates the Prometheus ServiceMonitor custom resource if the Prometheus exporter is enabled.

  • The Operator enables the Instrumentation custom resource that allows injecting upstream OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation libraries.

Removal notice

  • In Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry 3.0, the Jaeger exporter has been removed. Bug fixes and support are provided only through the end of the 2.9 lifecycle. As an alternative to the Jaeger exporter for sending data to the Jaeger collector, you can use the OTLP exporter instead.

Bug fixes

This update introduces the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed support for disconnected environments when using the oc adm catalog mirror CLI command.

Known issues

Curently, the cluster monitoring of the Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry Operator is disabled due to a bug (TRACING-3761). The bug is preventing the cluster monitoring from scraping metrics from the Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry Operator due to a missing label openshift.io/cluster-monitoring=true that is required for the cluster monitoring and service monitor object.


You can enable the cluster monitoring as follows:

  1. Add the following label in the Operator namespace: oc label namespace openshift-opentelemetry-operator openshift.io/cluster-monitoring=true

  2. Create a service monitor, role, and role binding:

    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: ServiceMonitor
      name: opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service
      namespace: openshift-opentelemetry-operator
      - bearerTokenFile: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
        path: /metrics
        port: https
        scheme: https
          insecureSkipVerify: true
          app.kubernetes.io/name: opentelemetry-operator
          control-plane: controller-manager
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Role
      name: otel-operator-prometheus
      namespace: openshift-opentelemetry-operator
        include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability: "true"
        include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer: "true"
    - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - services
      - endpoints
      - pods
      - get
      - list
      - watch
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: otel-operator-prometheus
      namespace: openshift-opentelemetry-operator
        include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability: "true"
        include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer: "true"
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Role
      name: otel-operator-prometheus
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: prometheus-k8s
      namespace: openshift-monitoring

Getting support

If you experience difficulty with a procedure described in this documentation, or with OpenShift Container Platform in general, visit the Red Hat Customer Portal. From the Customer Portal, you can:

  • Search or browse through the Red Hat Knowledgebase of articles and solutions relating to Red Hat products.

  • Submit a support case to Red Hat Support.

  • Access other product documentation.

To identify issues with your cluster, you can use Insights in OpenShift Cluster Manager Hybrid Cloud Console. Insights provides details about issues and, if available, information on how to solve a problem.

If you have a suggestion for improving this documentation or have found an error, submit a Jira issue for the most relevant documentation component. Please provide specific details, such as the section name and OpenShift Container Platform version.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.