
Quickly create a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster quickly by using a Terraform cluster template that is configured with the default cluster options.

The cluster creation process described below uses a Terraform configuration that prepares a ROSA Classic AWS Security Token Service (STS) cluster with the following resources:

  • An OIDC provider with a managed oidc-config

  • Prerequisite Operator roles with policies

  • IAM account roles with policies

  • All other AWS resources required to create a ROSA with STS cluster


Overview of the default cluster specifications

Component Default specifications

Accounts and roles

  • Default IAM role prefix: rosa-<6-digit-alphanumeric-string>

  • No cluster admin role created

Cluster settings

  • Default cluster version: 4.15.0

  • Cluster name: rosa-<6-digit-alphanumeric-string>

  • Default AWS region for installations using the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager Hybrid Cloud Console: us-east-1 (US East, North Virginia)

  • Default AWS region for installations using the ROSA CLI (rosa): Defined by your aws CLI configuration

  • Default EC2 IMDS endpoints (both v1 and v2) are enabled

  • Availability: Single zone for the data plane

  • Monitoring for user-defined projects: Enabled


  • Cloud storage is encrypted at rest

  • Additional etcd encryption is not enabled

  • The default AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key is used as the encryption key for persistent data

Control plane node configuration

  • Control plane node instance type: m5.2xlarge (8 vCPU, 32 GiB RAM)

  • Control plane node count: 3

Infrastructure node configuration

  • Infrastructure node instance type: r5.xlarge (4 vCPU, 32 GiB RAM)

  • Infrastructure node count: 2

Compute node machine pool

  • Compute node instance type: m5.xlarge (4 vCPU 16, GiB RAM)

  • Compute node count: 2

  • Autoscaling: Not enabled

  • No additional node labels

Networking configuration

  • Cluster privacy: Public

  • No cluster-wide proxy is configured

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) ranges

  • Machine CIDR:

  • Service CIDR:

  • Pod CIDR:

  • Host prefix: /23

Cluster roles and policies

  • Mode used to create the Operator roles and the OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider: auto

    For installations that use OpenShift Cluster Manager on the Hybrid Cloud Console, the auto mode requires an admin-privileged OpenShift Cluster Manager role.

  • Default Operator role prefix: rosa-<6-digit-alphanumeric-string>

Cluster update strategy

  • Individual updates

  • 1 hour grace period for node draining

Creating a default ROSA cluster using Terraform

The cluster creation process outlined below shows how to use Terraform to create your account-wide IAM roles and a ROSA cluster with a managed OIDC configuration.

Preparing your environment for Terraform

Before you can create your Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster by using Terraform, you need to export your offline Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager token.

  1. Optional: Because the Terraform files get created in your current directory during this procedure, you can create a new directory to store these files and navigate into it by running the following command:

    $ mkdir terraform-cluster && cd terraform-cluster
  2. Grant permissions to your account by using an offline Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager token.

  3. Copy your offline token, and set the token as an environmental variable by running the following command:

    $ export RHCS_TOKEN=<your_offline_token>

    This environmental variable resets at the end of each session, such as restarting your machine or closing the terminal.

  • After you export your token, verify the value by running the following command:

    $ echo $RHCS_TOKEN

Creating your Terraform files locally

After you set up your offline Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager token, you need to create the Terraform files locally to build your cluster. You can create these files by using the following code templates.

  1. Create the account-roles.tf file by running the following command:

    $ cat<<-EOF>account-roles.tf
    data "rhcs_policies" "all_policies" {}
    data "rhcs_versions" "all" {}
    module "create_account_roles" {
      source  = "terraform-redhat/rosa-sts/aws"
      version = ">=0.0.15"
      create_account_roles  = true
      create_operator_roles = false
      account_role_prefix    = local.cluster_name
      path                   = var.path
      rosa_openshift_version = regex("^[0-9]+\\\\.[0-9]+", var.rosa_openshift_version)
      account_role_policies  = data.rhcs_policies.all_policies.account_role_policies
      all_versions           = data.rhcs_versions.all
      operator_role_policies = data.rhcs_policies.all_policies.operator_role_policies
      tags                   = var.additional_tags
    resource "time_sleep" "wait_10_seconds" {
      depends_on = [module.create_account_roles]
      create_duration = "10s"
  2. Create the main.tf file by running the following command:

    $ cat<<-EOF>main.tf
    # Copyright (c) 2023 Red Hat, Inc.
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    #   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    terraform {
      required_providers {
        aws = {
          source  = "hashicorp/aws"
          version = ">= 4.20.0"
        rhcs = {
          version = ">= 1.5.0"
          source  = "terraform-redhat/rhcs"
    # Export token using the RHCS_TOKEN environment variable
    provider "rhcs" {}
    provider "aws" {
      region = var.aws_region
      ignore_tags {
        key_prefixes = ["kubernetes.io/"]
    data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {}
    locals {
      # Extract availability zone names for the specified region, limit it to 1
      region_azs = slice([for zone in data.aws_availability_zones.available.names : format("%s", zone)], 0, 1)
    resource "random_string" "random_name" {
      length           = 6
      special          = false
      upper            = false
    locals {
      path = coalesce(var.path, "/")
      sts_roles = {
        role_arn         = "arn:aws:iam::\${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:role\${local.path}\${local.cluster_name}-Installer-Role",
        support_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::\${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:role\${local.path}\${local.cluster_name}-Support-Role",
        instance_iam_roles = {
          master_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::\${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:role\${local.path}\${local.cluster_name}-ControlPlane-Role",
          worker_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::\${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:role\${local.path}\${local.cluster_name}-Worker-Role"
        operator_role_prefix = local.cluster_name,
        oidc_config_id       = rhcs_rosa_oidc_config.oidc_config.id
      worker_node_replicas = coalesce(var.worker_node_replicas, 2)
      # If cluster_name is not null, use that, otherwise generate a random cluster name
      cluster_name = coalesce(var.cluster_name, "rosa-\${random_string.random_name.result}")
    data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {
    resource "rhcs_cluster_rosa_classic" "rosa_sts_cluster" {
      name                 = local.cluster_name
      cloud_region         = var.aws_region
      multi_az             = false
      aws_account_id       = data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id
      availability_zones   = ["us-east-1a"]
      tags                 = var.additional_tags
      version              = var.rosa_openshift_version
      compute_machine_type = var.machine_type
      replicas             = local.worker_node_replicas
      autoscaling_enabled  = false
      sts                  = local.sts_roles
      properties = {
        rosa_creator_arn = data.aws_caller_identity.current.arn
      machine_cidr     = var.vpc_cidr_block
      lifecycle {
        precondition {
          condition     = can(regex("^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,13}[a-z0-9]\$", local.cluster_name))
          error_message = "ROSA cluster name must be less than 16 characters, be lower case alphanumeric, with only hyphens."
      depends_on = [time_sleep.wait_10_seconds]
    resource "rhcs_cluster_wait" "wait_for_cluster_build" {
      cluster = rhcs_cluster_rosa_classic.rosa_sts_cluster.id
      # timeout in minutes
      timeout = 60
  3. Create the oidc-provider.tf file by running the following command:

    $ cat<<-EOF>oidc-provider.tf
    resource "rhcs_rosa_oidc_config" "oidc_config" {
      managed = true
    data "rhcs_rosa_operator_roles" "operator_roles" {
      operator_role_prefix = local.cluster_name
      account_role_prefix  = local.cluster_name
    module "oidc_provider" {
      source  = "terraform-redhat/rosa-sts/aws"
      version = "0.0.15"
      create_operator_roles = false
      create_oidc_provider  = true
      cluster_id                  = ""
      rh_oidc_provider_thumbprint = rhcs_rosa_oidc_config.oidc_config.thumbprint
      rh_oidc_provider_url        = rhcs_rosa_oidc_config.oidc_config.oidc_endpoint_url
      tags                        = var.additional_tags
      path                        = var.path
  4. Create the operator-roles.tf file by running the following command:

    $ cat<<-EOF>operator-roles.tf
    module "operator_roles" {
      source  = "terraform-redhat/rosa-sts/aws"
      version = "0.0.15"
      create_operator_roles = true
      create_oidc_provider  = false
      rh_oidc_provider_thumbprint = rhcs_rosa_oidc_config.oidc_config.thumbprint
      rh_oidc_provider_url        = rhcs_rosa_oidc_config.oidc_config.oidc_endpoint_url
      operator_roles_properties   = data.rhcs_rosa_operator_roles.operator_roles.operator_iam_roles
      tags                        = var.additional_tags
      path                        = var.path
  5. Create the variables.tf file by running the following command:

    $ cat<<-EOF>variables.tf
    variable "rosa_openshift_version" {
      type        = string
      default     = "4.15.0"
      description = "Desired version of OpenShift for the cluster, for example '4.15.0'. If version is greater than the currently running version, an upgrade will be scheduled."
    variable "account_role_policies" {
      description = "account role policies details for account roles creation"
      type = object({
        sts_installer_permission_policy             = string
        sts_support_permission_policy               = string
        sts_instance_worker_permission_policy       = string
        sts_instance_controlplane_permission_policy = string
      default = null
    variable "operator_role_policies" {
      description = "operator role policies details for operator roles creation"
      type = object({
        openshift_cloud_credential_operator_cloud_credential_operator_iam_ro_creds_policy = string
        openshift_cloud_network_config_controller_cloud_credentials_policy                = string
        openshift_cluster_csi_drivers_ebs_cloud_credentials_policy                        = string
        openshift_image_registry_installer_cloud_credentials_policy                       = string
        openshift_ingress_operator_cloud_credentials_policy                               = string
        openshift_machine_api_aws_cloud_credentials_policy                                = string
      default = null
    # ROSA Cluster info
    variable "cluster_name" {
      default     = null
      type        = string
      description = "Provide the name of your ROSA cluster."
    variable "additional_tags" {
      default = {
        Terraform   = "true"
      description = "Additional AWS resource tags"
      type        = map(string)
    variable "path" {
      description = "(Optional) The arn path for the account/operator roles as well as their policies."
      type        = string
      default     = null
    variable "machine_type" {
      description = "The AWS instance type used for your default worker pool."
      type        = string
      default     = "m5.xlarge"
    variable "worker_node_replicas" {
      default     = 2
      description = "Number of worker nodes to provision. Single zone clusters need at least 2 nodes, multizone clusters need at least 3 nodes"
      type        = number
    variable "autoscaling_enabled" {
      description = "Enables autoscaling. This variable requires you to set a maximum and minimum replicas range using the 'max_replicas' and 'min_replicas' variables. If the autoscaling_enabled is 'true', you cannot configure the worker_node_replicas."
      type        = string
      default     = "false"
    #VPC Info
    variable "vpc_cidr_block" {
      type        = string
      description = "The value of the IP address block for machines or cluster nodes for the VPC."
      default     = ""
    #AWS Info
    variable "aws_region" {
      type    = string
      default = "us-east-1"

You are ready to initiate Terraform.

Using Terraform to create your ROSA cluster

After you create the Terraform files, you must initiate Terraform to provide all of the required dependencies. Then apply the Terraform plan.

Do not modify Terraform state files. For more information, see Considerations when using Terraform

  1. Set up Terraform to create your resources based on your Terraform files, run the following command:

    $ terraform init
  2. Optional: Verify that the Terraform you copied is correct by running the following command:

    $ terraform validate
    Example output
    Success! The configuration is valid.
  3. Create your cluster with Terraform by running the following command:

    $ terraform apply
  4. The Terraform interface lists the resources to be created or changed and prompts for confirmation. Enter yes to proceed or no to cancel:

    Example output
    Plan: 39 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Do you want to perform these actions?
      Terraform will perform the actions described above.
      Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
      Enter a value: yes

    If you enter yes, your Terraform plan starts, creating your AWS account roles, Operator roles, and your ROSA Classic cluster.

  1. Verify that your cluster was created by running the following command:

    $ rosa list clusters
    Example output showing a cluster’s ID, name, and status:
    ID                                NAME          STATE  TOPOLOGY
    27c3snjsupa9obua74ba8se5kcj11269  rosa-tf-demo  ready  Classic (STS)
  2. Verify that your account roles were created by running the following command:

    $ rosa list account-roles
    Example output
    I: Fetching account roles
    ROLE NAME                                   ROLE TYPE      ROLE ARN                                                           OPENSHIFT VERSION  AWS Managed
    ROSA-demo-ControlPlane-Role                 Control plane  arn:aws:iam::<ID>:role/ROSA-demo-ControlPlane-Role                 4.14               No
    ROSA-demo-Installer-Role                    Installer      arn:aws:iam::<ID>:role/ROSA-demo-Installer-Role                    4.14               No
    ROSA-demo-Support-Role                      Support        arn:aws:iam::<ID>:role/ROSA-demo-Support-Role                      4.14               No
    ROSA-demo-Worker-Role                       Worker         arn:aws:iam::<ID>:role/ROSA-demo-Worker-Role                       4.14               No
  3. Verify that your Operator roles were created by running the following command:

    $ rosa list operator-roles
    Example output showing Terraform-created Operator roles:
    I: Fetching operator roles
    rosa-demo      6

Deleting your ROSA cluster with Terraform

Use the terraform destroy command to remove all of the resources that were created with the terraform apply command.

Do not modify your Terraform .tf files before destroying your resources. These variables are matched to resources to delete.

  1. In the directory where you ran the terraform apply command to create your cluster, run the following command to delete the cluster:

    $ terraform destroy
  2. Enter yes to start the role and cluster deletion:

    Example output of Terraform confirmation:
    Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 39 to destroy.
    Do you really want to destroy all resources?
      Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
      There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.
      Enter a value: yes
  1. Verify that your cluster was destroyed by running the following command:

    $ rosa list clusters
    Example output showing no cluster
    I: No clusters available
  2. Verify that the account roles were destroyed by running the following command:

    $ rosa list account-roles
    Example output showing no Terraform-created account roles:
    I: Fetching account roles
    I: No account roles available
  3. Verify that the Operator roles were destroyed by running the following command:

    $ rosa list operator-roles
    Example output showing no Terraform-created Operator roles:
    I: Fetching operator roles
    I: No operator roles available