
The release notes for the Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator for Red Hat OpenShift describe new features and enhancements, deprecated features, and known issues.

The Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator uses the Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler (KEDA) and is built on top of the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA).

The Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator for Red Hat OpenShift is provided as an installable component, with a distinct release cycle from the core Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS. The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy outlines release compatibility.

Supported versions

The following table defines the Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator versions for each Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS version.

Version Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS version General availability



General availability



General availability



General availability



General availability



General availability

Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator 2.13.1 release notes

This release of the Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator 2.13.1-421 provides a new feature and a bug fix for running the Operator in an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster. The following advisory is available for the RHBA-2024:4837.

Before installing this version of the Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator, remove any previously installed Technology Preview versions or the community-supported version of Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler (KEDA).

New features and enhancements

Support for custom certificates with the Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator

The Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator can now use custom service CA certificates to connect securely to TLS-enabled metrics sources, such as an external Kafka cluster or an external Prometheus service. By default, the Operator uses automatically-generated service certificates to connect to on-cluster services only. There is a new field in the KedaController object that allows you to load custom server CA certificates for connecting to external services by using config maps.

Bug fixes

  • Previously, the custom-metrics-autoscaler and custom-metrics-autoscaler-adapter images were missing time zone information. As a consequence, scaled objects with cron triggers failed to work because the controllers were unable to find time zone information. With this fix, the image builds are updated to include time zone information. As a result, scaled objects containing cron triggers now function properly. Scaled objects containing cron triggers are currently not supported for the custom metrics autoscaler. (OCPBUGS-34018)