
Use the following procedure to configure image registries.

Image controller configuration parameters for ROSA with HCP

The image.config.openshift.io/cluster resource holds cluster-wide information about how to handle images. The resource exists, but it is read only and can only be changed through supported tools like ROSA CLI (rosa). The canonical and only valid name is cluster. It can be configured in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS hosted control planes through ROSA CLI (rosa) commands.

Parameters such as DisableScheduledImport, MaxImagesBulkImportedPerRepository, MaxScheduledImportsPerMinute, ScheduledImageImportMinimumIntervalSeconds, InternalRegistryHostname are not configurable.

Parameters for ROSA CLI Description


Registries for which image pull and push actions are allowed. To specify all subdomains, add the asterisk (*) wildcard character as a prefix to the domain name. For example, *.example.com. You can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example, reg1.io/myrepo/myapp:latest. All other registries are blocked. The format should be a comma-separated list of allowed registries. For example, allowed.io, allowed.io2.


Registries which do not have a valid TLS certificate or only support HTTP connections. To specify all subdomains, add the asterisk (*) wildcard character as a prefix to the domain name. For example, *.example.com. You can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example, reg1.io/myrepo/myapp:latest. The format should be a comma-separated list of insecure registries. For example, insecure.io, insecure.io2.


Registries for which image pull and push actions are denied. To specify all subdomains, add the asterisk (*) wildcard character as a prefix to the domain name. For example, *.example.com. You can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example, reg1.io/myrepo/myapp:latest. All other registries are allowed. The format should be a comma-separated list of blocked registries. For example, blocked.io, blocked.io2.


Contains configuration that determines how the container runtime should treat individual registries when accessing images for builds and pods. For example, whether or not to allow insecure access. It does not contain configuration for the internal cluster registry. Limits the container image registries from which normal users can import images. The format should be a comma-separated list of domainName:insecure. domainName specifies a domain name for the registry. insecure indicates whether the registry is secure or insecure.


A JSON file containing the registry hostname as the key, and the PEM-encoded certificate as the value, for each additional registry CA to trust.


A list of Red Hat registries is automatically allowed. This list can be periodically updated and impacted clusters will receive a notification with the new allowlist ID. In such cases, the user must use this parameter to update from the previous expected ID to the newly expected ID.

When the allowedRegistries parameter is defined, all registries are blocked unless explicitly listed. To prevent pod failure, a list of Red Hat registries is automatically whitelisted, as they are required by payload images within your environment. The current list consists of image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000,quay.io,registry.redhat.io and it is also visible when running the rosa describe cluster command.

Configuring image registry settings for ROSA with HCP

You can configure image registry settings at cluster creation. The cluster’s nodes will use the required configuration after creation.

  • Create ROSA with HCP clusters with image registry by running the following command:

    $ rosa create cluster —cluster-name=<cluster_name> --sts --mode=auto \
       --hosted-cp --operator-roles-prefix <operator_role_prefix> \
       --oidc-config-id <id_of_oidc_configuration> \
       --subnet-ids=<public_subnet_id>,<private_subnet_id> \
       --registry-config-insecure-registries <insecure_registries> \
       --registry-config-allowed-registries <allowed_registries> \
       --registry-config-allowed-registries-for-import <registry_name:insecure> \
       --registry-config-additional-trusted-ca <additional_trusted_ca_file>

    When using the allowedRegistries, blockedRegistries, or insecureRegistries parameter, you can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example: reg1.io/myrepo/myapp:latest.

    Avoid insecure external registries to reduce possible security risks. Parameters allowedRegistries, blockedRegistries are mutually exclusive.

  1. Run the rosa describe command to verify that your image registry is enabled by running the following command:

    $ rosa describe cluster --cluster=<cluster_name>
    Example output
    Name:                       rosa-hcp-test
    Domain Prefix:              rosa-hcp-test
    Display Name:               rosa-hcp-test
    ID:                         <cluster_hcp_id>
    External ID:                <cluster_hcp_id>
    Control Plane:              ROSA Service Hosted
    OpenShift Version:          4.Y.Z
    Channel Group:              stable
    DNS:                        <dns>
    AWS Account:                <aws_id>
    AWS Billing Account:        <aws_id>
    API URL:                    <ocm_api>
    Console URL:
    Region:                     us-east-1
     - Control Plane:           MultiAZ
     - Data Plane:              SingleAZ
     - Compute (desired):       2
     - Compute (current):       2
     - Type:                    OVNKubernetes
     - Service CIDR:            <service_cidr>
     - Machine CIDR:            <machine_cidr>
     - Pod CIDR:                <pod_cidr>
     - Host Prefix:             /23
     - Subnets:                 <subnet_ids>
    EC2 Metadata Http Tokens:   optional
    Role (STS) ARN:             arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Installer-Role
    Support Role ARN:           arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Support-Role
    Instance IAM Roles:
     - Worker:                  arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Worker-Role
    Operator IAM Roles:
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-capa-controller-manager
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-control-plane-operator
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-kms-provider
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-image-registry-installer-cloud-cred
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-ingress-operator-cloud-credentials
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-cluster-csi-drivers-ebs-cloud-credent
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-cloud-network-config-controller-cloud
    Managed Policies:           Yes
    State:                      ready
    Private:                    No
    Delete Protection:          Disabled
    Created:                    Oct 01 2030 09:48:52 UTC
    User Workload Monitoring:   Enabled
    OIDC Endpoint URL:          https://<endpoint> (Managed)
    Audit Log Forwarding:       Disabled
    External Authentication:    Disabled
    Etcd Encryption:            Disabled
    Registry Configuration:
     - Allowed Registries:     <allowed_registry> (1)
     - Insecure Registries:    <insecure_registry> (2)
     - Allowed Registries for Import: (3)
        - Domain Name:          <domain_name> (4)
        - Insecure:             true (5)
    1 Allowed Registries: A comma-separated list of registries for which image pull and push actions are allowed.
    2 Insecure Registries: A comma-separated list of registries which do not have a valid TLS certificate or only support HTTP connections.
    3 Allowed Registries for Import: Limits the container image registries from which normal users can import images. The format should be a comma-separated list of domainName:insecure.
    4 domainName: Specifies a domain name for the registry.
    5 insecure: Indicates whether the registry is secure or insecure.
  2. List your nodes to check the applied changes by running the following command:

    $ oc get nodes
    Example output
    NAME                                         STATUS                     ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    ip-10-0-137-182.us-east-2.compute.internal   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   worker                 65m   v1.30.3
    ip-10-0-188-96.us-east-2.compute.internal    Ready                      worker                 65m   v1.30.3
    ip-10-0-200-59.us-east-2.compute.internal    Ready                      worker                 63m   v1.30.3

Editing image registry settings for ROSA with HCP

You can change the image registry config with the rosa edit command.

When the allowedRegistries parameter is defined, all registries are blocked unless explicitly listed. To prevent pod failure, a list of Red Hat registries is automatically whitelisted, as they are required by payload images within your environment. The current list consists of image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000,quay.io,registry.redhat.io and it is also visible when running the rosa describe cluster command.

You can change any registry-related parameter, which will trigger a rollout across all machine pools; all machine pool nodes will be recreated, following pod draining from each node.

  • Update or edit the image registry for the cluster by running the following command:

    $ rosa edit cluster --registry-config-insecure-registries <insecure_registries> \
       --registry-config-allowed-registries <allowed_registries> \
       --registry-config-allowed-registries-for-import <registry_name:insecure> \
       --registry-config-additional-trusted-ca <additional_trusted_ca_file>
    Example output
    ? Changing any registry related parameter will trigger a rollout across all machinepools
    (all machinepool nodes will be recreated, following pod draining from each node).
    Do you want to proceed? Yes
    I: Updated cluster '<cluster_name>'
  • Run the rosa describe command again, to see if the changes you made to your image registry updated by running the following command:

    $ rosa describe cluster --cluster=<cluster_name>
    Example output
    Name:                       rosa-hcp-test
    Domain Prefix:              rosa-hcp-test
    Display Name:               rosa-hcp-test
    ID:                         <cluster_hcp_id>
    External ID:                <cluster_hcp_id>
    Control Plane:              ROSA Service Hosted
    OpenShift Version:          4.Y.Z
    Channel Group:              stable
    DNS:                        <dns>
    AWS Account:                <aws_id>
    AWS Billing Account:        <aws_id>
    API URL:                    <ocm_api>
    Console URL:
    Region:                     us-east-1
     - Control Plane:           MultiAZ
     - Data Plane:              SingleAZ
     - Compute (desired):       2
     - Compute (current):       2
     - Type:                    OVNKubernetes
     - Service CIDR:            <service_cidr>
     - Machine CIDR:            <machine_cidr>
     - Pod CIDR:                <pod_cidr>
     - Host Prefix:             /23
     - Subnets:                 <subnet_ids>
    EC2 Metadata Http Tokens:   optional
    Role (STS) ARN:             arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Installer-Role
    Support Role ARN:           arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Support-Role
    Instance IAM Roles:
     - Worker:                  arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Worker-Role
    Operator IAM Roles:
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-capa-controller-manager
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-control-plane-operator
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-kms-provider
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-image-registry-installer-cloud-cred
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-ingress-operator-cloud-credentials
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-cluster-csi-drivers-ebs-cloud-credent
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-cloud-network-config-controller-cloud
    Managed Policies:           Yes
    State:                      ready
    Private:                    No
    Delete Protection:          Disabled
    Created:                    Oct 01 2030 09:48:52 UTC
    User Workload Monitoring:   Enabled
    OIDC Endpoint URL:          https://<endpoint> (Managed)
    Audit Log Forwarding:       Disabled
    External Authentication:    Disabled
    Etcd Encryption:            Disabled
    Registry Configuration:
     - Allowed Registries:      <allowed_registry> (1)
     - Insecure Registries:     <insecure_registry> (2)
     - Allowed Registries for Import: (3)
        - Domain Name:          <domain_name> (4)
        - Insecure:             true (5)
    1 Allowed Registries: A comma-separated list of registries for which image pull and push actions are allowed.
    2 Insecure Registries: A comma-separated list of registries which do not have a valid TLS certificate or only support HTTP connections.
    3 Allowed Registries for Import: Limits the container image registries from which normal users can import images. The format should be a comma-separated list of domainName:insecure.
    4 domainName: Specifies a domain name for the registry.
    5 insecure: Indicates whether the registry is secure or insecure.