
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform provides developers and IT organizations with a hybrid cloud application platform for deploying both new and existing applications on secure, scalable resources with minimal configuration and management. OpenShift Container Platform supports a wide selection of programming languages and frameworks, such as Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and PHP.

Built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Kubernetes, OpenShift Container Platform provides a more secure and scalable multitenant operating system for today’s enterprise-class applications, while delivering integrated application runtimes and libraries. OpenShift Container Platform enables organizations to meet security, privacy, compliance, and governance requirements.

About this release

OpenShift Container Platform (RHSA-2024:XXXX) is now available. This release uses Kubernetes 1.30 with CRI-O runtime. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 are included in this topic.

OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 clusters are available at https://console.redhat.com/openshift. With the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager application for OpenShift Container Platform, you can deploy OpenShift Container Platform clusters to either on-premises or cloud environments.

OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.8-8.10, and on Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) 9.4.

You must use RHCOS machines for the control plane, and you can use either RHCOS or RHEL for compute machines. RHEL machines are deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 4.16 and will be removed in a future release.

The support lifecycle for odd-numbered releases, such as OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, on all supported architectures, including x86_64, 64-bit ARM (aarch64), IBM Power® (ppc64le), and IBM Z® (s390x) architectures is 18 months. For more information about support for all versions, see the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy.

Commencing with the OpenShift Container Platform 4.14 release, Red Hat is simplifying the administration and management of Red Hat shipped cluster Operators with the introduction of three new life cycle classifications; Platform Aligned, Platform Agnostic, and Rolling Stream. These life cycle classifications provide additional ease and transparency for cluster administrators to understand the life cycle policies of each Operator and form cluster maintenance and upgrade plans with predictable support boundaries. For more information, see OpenShift Operator Life Cycles.

OpenShift Container Platform is designed for FIPS. When running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) booted in FIPS mode, OpenShift Container Platform core components use the RHEL cryptographic libraries that have been submitted to NIST for FIPS 140-2/140-3 Validation on only the x86_64, ppc64le, and s390x architectures.

For more information about the NIST validation program, see Cryptographic Module Validation Program. For the latest NIST status for the individual versions of RHEL cryptographic libraries that have been submitted for validation, see Compliance Activities and Government Standards.

OpenShift Container Platform layered and dependent component support and compatibility

The scope of support for layered and dependent components of OpenShift Container Platform changes independently of the OpenShift Container Platform version. To determine the current support status and compatibility for an add-on, refer to its release notes. For more information, see the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy.

New features and enhancements

This release adds improvements related to the following components and concepts:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS)

Support for the DNF package manager

With this release, you can now use DNF to install additional packages to your customized Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) builds. For more information, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) layering.

Installation and update

Deploy Azure in the Spain region

You can deploy OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 in Microsoft Azure in the Spain, Central (spaincentral) region. For more information, see Supported Azure regions.

Cluster API replaces Terraform for Microsoft Azure installations

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, the installation program uses Cluster API instead of Terraform to provision cluster infrastructure during installations on Azure.

With the replacement of Terraform, the following permissions are required if you use a service principal with limited privileges:

  • Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules/read

  • Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules/write

  • Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules/join/action

  • Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules/delete

  • Microsoft.Network/routeTables/read

  • Microsoft.Network/routeTables/write

  • Microsoft.Network/routeTables/join/action

For more information on required permissions, see Required Azure permissions for installer-provisioned infrastructure.

Installing a cluster on AWS by using an existing IAM profile

With this release, you can install OpenShift Container Platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) by using an existing identity and access management (IAM) instance profile. For more information, see Optional AWS configuration parameters.

Postinstallation configuration

Web console

Administrator perspective

This release introduces the following updates to the Administrator perspective of the web console:

Developer Perspective

This release introduces the following updates to the Developer perspective of the web console:

OpenShift CLI (oc)

IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE

With this release, IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE are now compatible with OpenShift Container Platform 4.17. You can perform the installation with z/VM, LPAR, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM). For installation instructions, see Preparing to install on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE.

Compute nodes must run Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS).

IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE notable enhancements

The IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE release on OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 adds improvements and new capabilities to OpenShift Container Platform components and concepts.

This release introduces support for the following features on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE:

  • CPU manager

  • Non-volatile memory express (NVMe) support for LPAR

  • Tuning etcd latency tolerances

IBM Power

IBM Power® is now compatible with OpenShift Container Platform 4.17. For installation instructions, see the following documentation:

Compute nodes must run Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS).

IBM Power notable enhancements

The IBM Power® release on OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 adds improvements and new capabilities to OpenShift Container Platform components.

This release introduces support for the following features on IBM Power:

  • Tuning etcd latency tolerances

  • Installer Provisioned Infrastructure for IBM PowerVS - move to CAPI

IBM Power, IBM Z, and IBM LinuxONE support matrix

Starting in OpenShift Container Platform 4.14, Extended Update Support (EUS) is extended to the IBM Power® and the IBM Z® platform. For more information, see the OpenShift EUS Overview.

Table 1. OpenShift Container Platform features
Feature IBM Power® IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE

Alternate authentication providers



Agent-based Installer



Assisted Installer



Automatic Device Discovery with Local Storage Operator



Automatic repair of damaged machines with machine health checking



Cloud controller manager for IBM Cloud®



Controlling overcommit and managing container density on nodes



CPU manager



Cron jobs






Egress IP



Encrypting data stored in etcd



FIPS cryptography






Horizontal pod autoscaling



Hosted control planes (Technology Preview)



IBM Secure Execution



Installer-provisioned Infrastructure Enablement for IBM Power® Virtual Server



Installing on a single node






Monitoring for user-defined projects



Multi-architecture compute nodes



Multi-architecture control plane






Network-Bound Disk Encryption - External Tang Server



Non-volatile memory express drives (NVMe)



nx-gzip for Power10 (Hardware Acceleration)



oc-mirror plugin



OpenShift CLI (oc) plugins



Operator API



OpenShift Virtualization



OVN-Kubernetes, including IPsec encryption






Precision Time Protocol (PTP) hardware



Red Hat OpenShift Local



Scheduler profiles



Secure Boot



Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)



Support for multiple network interfaces



The openshift-install utility to support various SMT levels on IBM Power® (Hardware Acceleration)



Three-node cluster support



Topology Manager



z/VM Emulated FBA devices on SCSI disks



4K FCP block device



Table 2. Persistent storage options
Feature IBM Power® IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE

Persistent storage using iSCSI

Supported [1]

Supported [1],[2]

Persistent storage using local volumes (LSO)

Supported [1]

Supported [1],[2]

Persistent storage using hostPath

Supported [1]

Supported [1],[2]

Persistent storage using Fibre Channel

Supported [1]

Supported [1],[2]

Persistent storage using Raw Block

Supported [1]

Supported [1],[2]

Persistent storage using EDEV/FBA

Supported [1]

Supported [1],[2]

  1. Persistent shared storage must be provisioned by using either Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation or other supported storage protocols.

  2. Persistent non-shared storage must be provisioned by using local storage, such as iSCSI, FC, or by using LSO with DASD, FCP, or EDEV/FBA.

Table 3. Operators
Feature IBM Power® IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE

cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift



Cluster Logging Operator



Cluster Resource Override Operator



Compliance Operator



Cost Management Metrics Operator



File Integrity Operator



HyperShift Operator

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

IBM Power® Virtual Server Block CSI Driver Operator



Ingress Node Firewall Operator



Local Storage Operator



MetalLB Operator



Network Observability Operator



NFD Operator



NMState Operator



OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator



Vertical Pod Autoscaler Operator



Table 4. Multus CNI plugins
Feature IBM Power® IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE













Table 5. CSI Volumes
Feature IBM Power® IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE










Authentication and authorization


Microsoft Azure for the Kubernetes NMState Operator

Red Hat support exists for using the Kubernetes NMState Operator on Microsoft Azure but in a limited capacity. Support is limited to configuring DNS servers on your system as a postinstallation task.

For more information, see About the Kubernetes NMState Operator.

View metrics collected by the Kubernetes NMState Operator

The Kubernetes NMState Operator, kubernetes-nmstate-operator, can collect metrics from the kubernetes_nmstate_features_applied component and expose them as ready-to-use metrics. You can view these metrics by using the Administrator and Developer perspectives.

New PTP fast events REST API version 2 available

A new PTP fast events O-RAN Release 3 compliant REST API version 2 is available. Now, you can develop PTP event consumer applications that receive host hardware PTP events directly from the PTP Operator-managed pod. The PTP fast events REST API v1 will be deprecated in a future release.

In O-RAN O-Cloud Notification API Specification for Event Consumers 3.0, the resource is defined as a hierarchical path for the subsystem that produces the notifications. The PTP events REST API v2 does not have a global subscription for all lower hierarchy resources contained in the resource path. You subscribe consumer applications to the various available event types separately.

Automatic leap seconds handling for PTP grandmaster clocks

The PTP Operator now automatically updates the leap second file by using Global Positioning System (GPS) announcements.

Leap second information is stored in an automatically generated ConfigMap resource named leap-configmap in the openshift-ptp namespace.

NIC partitioning for SR-IOV devices (Generally Available)

With this update, the ability to enable NIC partitioning for Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) devices at install time is Generally Available.

For more information, see NIC partitioning for SR-IOV devices.

Host network settings for SR-IOV VFs (Generally Available)

With this update, the ability to update host network settings for Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) network virtual functions in an existing cluster is Generally Available.

CoreDNS update to version 1.11.3

OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 now includes CoreDNS version 1.11.3.


New chunkSizeMiB configuration parameter for S3 registry storage

A new, optional configuration parameter, chunkSizeMiB, is now available for deployments using S3 API-compatible backend storage. When configured, it determines the size of the multipart upload chunks for the S3 API. The default value is 10 MiB, with a minimum of 5 MiB.


AWS EFS CSI storage usage metrics is generally available

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic File Service (EFS) usage metrics allow you to monitor how much space is used by EFS volumes. This feature is generally available.

Turning on these metrics can lead to performance degradation because the CSI driver walks through the whole volume. Therefore, this option is disabled by default. Administrators must explicitly enable this feature.

Preventing unauthorized volume mode conversion is generally available

Previously, there was no validation of whether the mode of an original volume (filesystem or raw block), whose snapshot was taken, matches the mode of a newly created volume. This presented a security gap that could allow malicious users to potentially exploit an as-yet-unknown vulnerability in the host operating system.

Nevertheless, some users have a legitimate need to perform such conversions. This feature allows cluster administrators to provide these rights (ability to perform update or patch operations on VolumeSnapshotContents objects) only to trusted users or applications, such as backup vendors.

To convert a volume mode, an authorized user needs to change snapshot.storage.kubernetes.io/allow-volume-mode-change: "true" for VolumeSnapshotContent of the snapshot source.

This feature is supported as generally available.

Automatic deletion of resources for GCP Filestore is generally available

In earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform, when destroying a cluster, Google Compute Platform (GCP) Filestore Storage did not delete all of the cloud resources belonging to that cluster. This required manually deleting all of the persistent volume claims (PVCs) that used the Filestore storage class before destroying the cluster.

With OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, when destroying a cluster the OpenShift Container Platform installer should generally delete all of the cloud resources that belong to that cluster, and therefore manual deletion of PVCs should not be required. However, due to the special nature of the Google Compute Platform (GCP) Filestore resources, the automated cleanup process might not remove all of the resources in some rare cases. This feature is supported as generally available.

For more information, see Destroying clusters and GCP Filestore.

Azure File CSI supports snapshots (Technology Preview)

OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 introduces volume snapshot support for the Microsoft Azure File Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver Operator. This capability is supported as a Technology Preview feature.

Multiple vCenter support for vSphere CSI (Technology Preview)

OpenShift Container Platform v4.17 introduces the ability to deploy OpenShift Container Platform across multiple vSphere clusters (vCenters). This feature is supported with Technology Preview status.

Multiple vCenters can only be configured during installation. The maximum number of supported vCenter clusters is three.

Disabling and enabling storage on vSphere (Technology Preview)

Cluster administrators might want to disable the VMWare vSphere Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver as a Day 2 operation, so the vSphere CSI Driver does not interface with your vSphere setup. This feature is supported at the Technology Preview level.

For more information, see Disabling and enabling storage on vSphere.

RWX/RWO SELinux Mount (Developer Preview)

Pods might take a very long time to start when the volume contains a large number of files. To avoid SELinux labeling issues while keeping SELinux confining, you can enable the ReadWriteMany/ReadWriteOnce (RWX/RWO) SELinux Mount feature. Be advised that the RWX/RWO SELinux Mount feature is a Developer Preview feature. It is not supported by Red Hat, and you should not enable this feature set on production or clusters that you plan to maintain over time.

RWX/RWO SELinux Mount is a Developer Preview feature only. Developer Preview features are not supported by Red Hat in any way and are not functionally complete or production-ready. Do not use Developer Preview features for production or business-critical workloads. Developer Preview features provide early access to upcoming product features in advance of their possible inclusion in a Red Hat product offering, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. These features might not have any documentation, are subject to change or removal at any time, and testing is limited. Red Hat might provide ways to submit feedback on Developer Preview features without an associated SLA.

For more information about the RWX/RWO SELinux Mount feature, including how to enable it, see RWX/RWO SELinux Mount feature Knowledge Centered Service article.

Migrating CNS volumes between datastores with cns-migration (Developer Preview)

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, if you are running out of space in your current datastore, or want to move to a more performant datastore, you can migrate volumes between datastores. Be advised that this feature is a Developer Preview feature. It is not supported by Red Hat.

Migrating CNS Volumes Between Datastores is a Developer Preview feature only. Developer Preview features are not supported by Red Hat in any way and are not functionally complete or production-ready. Do not use Developer Preview features for production or business-critical workloads. Developer Preview features provide early access to upcoming product features in advance of their possible inclusion in a Red Hat product offering, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. These features might not have any documentation, are subject to change or removal at any time, and testing is limited. Red Hat might provide ways to submit feedback on Developer Preview features without an associated SLA.

For more information about cns-migration, see Moving CNS volumes between datastores.

Oracle® Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

Oracle® Cloud Infrastructure

Operator lifecycle

Operator development


Machine Config Operator

Control plane TLS security profiles supported by the MCO

The Machine Config Operator (MCO) and Machine Config Server now use the TLS security profile that is configured for the control plane components. For more information, see Configuring the TLS security profile for the control plane.

Updated boot images for AWS now supported (Technology Preview)

Updated boot images are now supported as a Technology Preview feature for Amazon Web Services (AWS) clusters. This feature allows you configure your cluster to update the node boot image whenever you update your cluster. By default, the boot image in your cluster is not updated along with your cluster. For more information, see Updated boot images.

Updated boot images for GCP clusters promoted to GA

Updated boot images has been promoted to GA for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) clusters. For more information, see Updated boot images.

Node disruption policies promoted to GA

Node disruption policies for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) clusters has been promoted to GA. A node disruption policy allows you to define a set of Ignition config objects changes that would require little or no disruption to your workloads. For more information, see Using node disruption policies to minimize disruption from machine config changes.

Machine management

Configuring Capacity Reservation by using machine sets

OpenShift Container Platform release 4.17 introduces support for on-demand Capacity Reservation with Capacity Reservation groups on Microsoft Azure clusters. For more information, see Configuring Capacity Reservation by using machine sets for compute or control plane machine sets.


New flags added for must-gather command

OpenShift Container Platform release 4.17 adds two new flags for use with the oc adm must-gather command to limit the timespan of the information gathered. Only one of the following flags can be used at a time. Plugins are encouraged but not required to support these flags.

  • --since: Only return logs newer than a relative duration, such as 5s, 2m, or 3h. Defaults to all logs.

  • --since-time: Only return logs after a specific date, expressed in the RFC3339 format. Defaults to all logs.

For a full list of flags to use with the oc adm must-gather command, see Must-gather flags.


Network Observability Operator

The Network Observability Operator releases updates independently from the OpenShift Container Platform minor version release stream. Updates are available through a single, Rolling Stream which is supported on all currently supported versions of OpenShift Container Platform 4. Information regarding new features, enhancements, and bug fixes for the Network Observability Operator is found in the Network Observability release notes.

Scalability and performance

Node scaling for etcd

In this release, if your cluster is installed on a bare metal platform, you can scale a cluster to up to 5 nodes as a post-installation task. The etcd Operator scales accordingly to account for the additional node. For more information, see Node scaling for etcd.

Edge computing

Hosted control planes

Insights Operator


Automatic rotation of signer certificates

With this release, all etcd certificates originate from a new namespace: openshift-etcd. When a new signer certificate is close to its expiration date, the following actions occur:

  1. An automatic rotation of the signer certificate activates.

  2. The certificate bundle updates.

  3. All certificates regenerate with the new signers.

Manual rotation of signer certificates is still supported by deleting the specific secret and waiting for the status pod rollout to complete.

Sigstore signature image verification

With this release, Technology Preview clusters use Sigstore signatures to verify images that were retrieved using a pull spec that references the `quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release`repository.

Currently, if you are mirroring images, you must also mirror quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:<release_image_digest_with_dash>.sig Sigstore signatures in order for the image verification to succeed.

Notable technical changes

OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 introduces the following notable technical changes:

Deprecated and removed features

Some features available in previous releases have been deprecated or removed.

Deprecated functionality is still included in OpenShift Container Platform and continues to be supported; however, it will be removed in a future release of this product and is not recommended for new deployments. For the most recent list of major functionality deprecated and removed within OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, refer to the table below. Additional details for more functionality that has been deprecated and removed are listed after the table.

In the following tables, features are marked with the following statuses:

  • Not Available

  • Technology Preview

  • General Availability

  • Deprecated

  • Removed

Operator lifecycle and development deprecated and removed features

Table 6. Operator lifecycle and development deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Operator SDK

General Availability



Scaffolding tools for Ansible-based Operator projects

General Availability



Scaffolding tools for Helm-based Operator projects

General Availability



Scaffolding tools for Go-based Operator projects

General Availability



Scaffolding tools for Hybrid Helm-based Operator projects

Technology Preview



Scaffolding tools for Java-based Operator projects

Technology Preview



Platform Operators

Technology Preview



Plain bundles

Technology Preview



SQLite database format for Operator catalogs




Images deprecated and removed features

Table 7. Cluster Samples Operator deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Cluster Samples Operator

General Availability



Monitoring deprecated and removed features

Table 8. Monitoring deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

dedicatedServiceMonitors setting that enables dedicated service monitors for core platform monitoring




prometheus-adapter component that queries resource metrics from Prometheus and exposes them in the metrics API




Installation deprecated and removed features

Table 9. Installation deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

--cloud parameter for oc adm release extract




CoreDNS wildcard queries for the cluster.local domain




compute.platform.openstack.rootVolume.type for RHOSP




controlPlane.platform.openstack.rootVolume.type for RHOSP




ingressVIP and apiVIP settings in the install-config.yaml file for installer-provisioned infrastructure clusters




Package-based RHEL compute machines

General Availability



platform.aws.preserveBootstrapIgnition parameter for Amazon Web Services (AWS)

General Availability



Terraform infrastructure provider for Amazon Web Services (AWS), VMware vSphere and Nutanix

General Availability



Terraform infrastructure provider for Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

General Availability

Removable as Technology Preview

Removable as Technology Preview

Installing a cluster on Alibaba Cloud with installer-provisioned infrastructure

Technology Preview



Updating clusters deprecated and removed features

Table 10. Updating clusters deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Machine management deprecated and removed features

Table 11. Machine management deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Managing machine with Machine API for Alibaba Cloud

Technology Preview



Cloud controller manager for Alibaba Cloud

Technology Preview



Storage deprecated and removed features

Table 12. Storage deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

AliCloud Disk CSI Driver Operator

General Availability



Specialized hardware and driver enablement deprecated and removed features

Table 13. Specialized hardware and driver enablement deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Networking deprecated and removed features

Table 14. Networking deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

OpenShift SDN network plugin








Web console deprecated and removed features

Table 15. Web console deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Patternfly 4




React Router 5




Node deprecated and removed features

Table 16. Node deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

ImageContentSourcePolicy (ICSP) objects




Kubernetes topology label failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone




Kubernetes topology label failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region




cgroup v1

General Availability



OpenShift CLI (oc) deprecated and removed features

Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Workloads deprecated and removed features

Table 17. Workloads deprecated and removed tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

DeploymentConfig objects




Bare metal monitoring deprecated and removed features

Table 18. Bare Metal Event Relay Operator tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Bare Metal Event Relay Operator




Deprecated features

Removed features

Bare Metal Event Relay Operator (BMER)

BMER was deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform version 4.15 and 4.16. With this release, BMER is no longer supported and the related BMER content is removed from the documentation.

Notice of future deprecation

Bug fixes

API Server and Authentication

Bare Metal Hardware Provisioning


Cloud Compute

Cloud Credential Operator

Cluster Version Operator

Developer Console

etcd Cluster Operator

Hosted control planes

Image Registry

  • In OpenShift Container Platform 4.14, installing a cluster with Microsoft Entra Workload ID was made generally available. With this feature, administrators can configure a Microsoft Azure cluster to use Workload ID. With Workload ID, cluster components use temporary security credentials that are managed outside of the cluster.

    Previously, when OpenShift Container Platform was deployed on Azure clusters with Workload ID, storage accounts created for the cluster and the image registry had Storage Account Key Access enabled by default, which could pose security risks to the deployment.

    With this update, shared access keys are disabled by default on new installations that use Workload ID, enhancing security by preventing the use of shared access keys.

    Shared access keys should only be disabled if the cluster is configured to use Workload ID. Disabling shared access keys on a cluster not configured with Microsoft Entra Workload ID can cause the Image Registry Operator to become degraded.

    For existing storage accounts created before this update, shared access keys are not automatically disabled. Administrators must manually disable shared access key support on these storage accounts to prevent the use of shared keys. For more information about disabling shared access keys, see Prevent Shared Key authorization for an Azure Storage account.


Insights Operator

Kubernetes Controller Manager

Kubernetes Scheduler

Machine Config Operator

Management Console




Node Tuning Operator (NTO)

OpenShift CLI (oc)

Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)

OpenShift API server

Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS)

Scalability and performance


Windows containers

Technology Preview features status

Some features in this release are currently in Technology Preview. These experimental features are not intended for production use. Note the following scope of support on the Red Hat Customer Portal for these features:

In the following tables, features are marked with the following statuses:

  • Not Available

  • Technology Preview

  • General Availability

  • Deprecated

  • Removed

Networking Technology Preview features

Table 19. Networking Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Advertise using L2 mode the MetalLB service from a subset of nodes, using a specific pool of IP addresses

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Multi-network policies for SR-IOV networks

General Availability

General Availability

General Availability

Updating the interface-specific safe sysctls list

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Egress service custom resource

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

VRF specification in BGPPeer custom resource

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

VRF specification in NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy custom resource

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Admin Network Policy (AdminNetworkPolicy)

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

IPsec external traffic (north-south)

General Availability

General Availability

General Availability

Host network settings for SR-IOV VFs

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

General Availability

Integration of MetalLB and FRR-K8s

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Dual-NIC Intel E810 PTP boundary clock with highly available system clock

Not Available

General Availability

General Availability

Intel E810 Westport Channel NIC as PTP grandmaster clock

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Dual-NIC Intel E810 Westport Channel as PTP grandmaster clock

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Automatic leap seconds handling for PTP grandmaster clocks

Not Available

Not Available

General Availability

PTP events REST API v2

Not Available

Not Available

General Availability

Configure the br-ex bridge needed by OVN-Kuberenetes using NMState

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Live migration to OVN-Kubernetes from OpenShift SDN

Not Available

General Availability

General Availability

Overlapping IP configuration for multi-tenant networks with Whereabouts

Not Available

General Availability

General Availability

Storage Technology Preview features

Table 20. Storage Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

AWS EFS storage CSI usage metrics

Not Available

Not Available

General Availability

Automatic device discovery and provisioning with Local Storage Operator

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Azure File CSI snapshot support

Not Available

Not Available

Technology Preview

IBM Power® Virtual Server Block CSI Driver Operator

General Availability

General Availability

General Availability

Read Write Once Pod access mode

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Shared Resources CSI Driver in OpenShift Builds

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Secrets Store CSI Driver Operator

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

CIFS/SMB CSI Driver Operator

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

VMWare vSphere multiple vCenter support

Not Available

Not Available

Technology Preview

Disabling/enabling storage on vSphere

Not Available

Not Available

Technology Preview

RWX/RWO SELinux Mount

Not Available

Not Available

Developer Preview

Migrating CNS Volumes Between Datastores

Not Available

Not Available

Developer Preview

Installation Technology Preview features

Table 21. Installation Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Installing OpenShift Container Platform on Oracle® Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) with VMs

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Installing OpenShift Container Platform on Oracle® Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) on bare metal

Developer Preview

Developer Preview

Developer Preview

Adding kernel modules to nodes with kvc

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Enabling NIC partitioning for SR-IOV devices

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

General Availability

User-defined labels and tags for Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Installing a cluster on Alibaba Cloud by using installer-provisioned infrastructure

Technology Preview

Not Available

Not Available

Installing a cluster on Alibaba Cloud by using Assisted Installer

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Mount shared entitlements in BuildConfigs in RHEL

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

OpenShift Container Platform on Oracle® Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Selectable Cluster Inventory

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Static IP addresses with VMware vSphere (IPI only)

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Support for iSCSI devices in RHCOS

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Installing a cluster on GCP using the Cluster API implementation

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Support for Intel® VROC-enabled RAID devices in RHCOS

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Node Technology Preview features

Table 22. Nodes Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

MaxUnavailableStatefulSet featureset

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Multi-Architecture Technology Preview features

Table 23. Multi-Architecture Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

IBM Power® Virtual Server using installer-provisioned infrastructure

General Availability

General Availability

General Availability

kdump on arm64 architecture

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

kdump on s390x architecture

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

kdump on ppc64le architecture

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Multiarch Tuning Operator

Not available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Specialized hardware and driver enablement Technology Preview features

Table 24. Specialized hardware and driver enablement Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Scalability and performance Technology Preview features

Table 25. Scalability and performance Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

factory-precaching-cli tool

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Hyperthreading-aware CPU manager policy

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

HTTP transport replaces AMQP for PTP and bare-metal events

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Mount namespace encapsulation

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Node Observability Operator

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Tuning etcd latency tolerances

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Increasing the etcd database size

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Using RHACM PolicyGenerator resources to manage GitOps ZTP cluster policies

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Operator lifecycle and development Technology Preview features

Table 26. Operator lifecycle and development Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) v1

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview


Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Platform Operators

Technology Preview



Scaffolding tools for Hybrid Helm-based Operator projects

Technology Preview



Scaffolding tools for Java-based Operator projects

Technology Preview



OpenShift CLI (oc) Technology Preview features

Table 27. OpenShift CLI (oc) Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

oc-mirror plugin v2

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Enclave support

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Delete functionality

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Monitoring Technology Preview features

Table 28. Monitoring Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Metrics Collection Profiles

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Metrics Server

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Technology Preview features

Table 29. RHOSP Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Dual-stack networking with installer-provisioned infrastructure

General Availability

General Availability

General Availability

Dual-stack networking with user-provisioned infrastructure

General Availability

General Availability

General Availability

RHOSP integration into the Cluster CAPI Operator

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Control Plane with rootVolumes and etcd on local disk

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Hosted control planes Technology Preview features

Table 30. Hosted control planes Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Hosted control planes for OpenShift Container Platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Hosted control planes for OpenShift Container Platform using non-bare metal agent machines

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Hosted control planes for an ARM64 OpenShift Container Platform cluster on Amazon Web Services

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Hosted control planes for OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Hosted control planes for OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Machine management Technology Preview features

Table 31. Machine management Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Managing machines with the Cluster API for Amazon Web Services

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Managing machines with the Cluster API for Google Cloud Platform

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Managing machines with the Cluster API for VMware vSphere

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Defining a vSphere failure domain for a control plane machine set

Technology Preview

General Availability

General Availability

Cloud controller manager for Alibaba Cloud

Technology Preview



Cloud controller manager for Google Cloud Platform

General Availability

General Availability

General Availability

Cloud controller manager for IBM Power® Virtual Server

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Authentication and authorization Technology Preview features

Table 32. Authentication and authorization Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Pod security admission restricted enforcement

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Machine Config Operator Technology Preview features

Table 33. Machine Config Operator Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Improved MCO state reporting

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

On-cluster RHCOS image layering

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Node disruption policies

Not Available

Technology Preview

General Availability

Updating boot images for GCP clusters

Not Available

Technology Preview

General Availability

Updating boot images for AWS clusters

Not Available

Not Available

Technology Preview

Edge computing Technology Preview features

Table 34. Edge computing Technology Preview tracker
Feature 4.15 4.16 4.17

Accelerated provisioning of GitOps ZTP

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Deploying IPsec encryption to managed clusters with GitOps ZTP and RHACM

Not Available

Technology Preview

Technology Preview

Known issues

  • The oc annotate command does not work for LDAP group names that contain an equal sign (=), because the command uses the equal sign as a delimiter between the annotation name and value. As a workaround, use oc patch or oc edit to add the annotation. (BZ#1917280)

  • The DNF package manager included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) images cannot be used at runtime, because DNF relies on additional packages to access entitled nodes in a cluster that are under a Red Hat subscription. As a workaround, use the rpm-ostree command instead. (OCPBUGS-35247)

  • If the controller pod terminates while cloning, or taking or restoring a volume snapshot, is in progress, the Microsoft Azure File clone or snapshot persistent volume claims (PVCs) remain in the Pending state. To resolve this issue, delete any affected clone or snapshot PVCs, and then recreate those PVCs. (OCPBUGS-35977)

Asynchronous errata updates

Security, bug fix, and enhancement updates for OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 are released as asynchronous errata through the Red Hat Network. All OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 errata is available on the Red Hat Customer Portal. See the OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle for more information about asynchronous errata.

Red Hat Customer Portal users can enable errata notifications in the account settings for Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM). When errata notifications are enabled, users are notified through email whenever new errata relevant to their registered systems are released.

Red Hat Customer Portal user accounts must have systems registered and consuming OpenShift Container Platform entitlements for OpenShift Container Platform errata notification emails to generate.

This section will continue to be updated over time to provide notes on enhancements and bug fixes for future asynchronous errata releases of OpenShift Container Platform 4.17. Versioned asynchronous releases, for example with the form OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.z, will be detailed in subsections. In addition, releases in which the errata text cannot fit in the space provided by the advisory will be detailed in subsections that follow.

For any OpenShift Container Platform release, always review the instructions on updating your cluster properly.

RHSA-2024:XXXX - OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.0 image release, bug fix, and security update advisory

Issued: TBD

OpenShift Container Platform release 4.17.0, which includes security updates, is now available. The list of bug fixes that are included in the update is documented in the RHSA-2024:XXXX advisory. The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHSA-2024:XXXX advisory.

Space precluded documenting all of the container images for this release in the advisory.

You can view the container images in this release by running the following command:

$ oc adm release info 4.17.0 --pullspecs