
You can use a single resource on the hub cluster, the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade custom resource (CR), to manage an imaged-based upgrade on a selected group of managed clusters through all stages. Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) reconciles the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR and creates the underlying resources to complete the defined stage transitions, either in a manually controlled or a fully automated upgrade flow.

Managing the image-based upgrade at scale using the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR on the hub

The ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR combines the ImageBasedUpgrade and ClusterGroupUpgrade APIs. For example, you can define the cluster selection and rollout strategy with the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade API in the same way as the ClusterGroupUpgrade API. The stage transitions are different from the ImageBasedUpgrade API. The ImageBasedGroupUpgrade API allows you to combine several stage transitions, also called actions, into one step that share one rollout strategy.

Example ImageBasedGroupUpgrade.yaml
apiVersion: lcm.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ImageBasedGroupUpgrade
  name: example-group-upgrade
  namespace: default
  clusterLabelSelectors: (1)
  - matchExpressions:
    - key: name
      operator: In
      - spoke1
      - spoke4
      - spoke6
    seedImageRef: (2)
      image: quay.io/seed/image:4.17.0-rc.1
      version: 4.17.0-rc.1
        name: "<seed_pull_secret>"
  extraManifests: (3)
    - name: example-extra-manifests
      namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
  oadpContent: (4)
    - name: oadp-cm
      namespace: openshift-adp
  plan: (5)
  - actions: ["Prep", "Upgrade", "FinalizeUpgrade"]
      maxConcurrency: 200 (6)
      timeout: 2400 (7)
1 Specify the set of clusters that you want to upgrade.
2 Defines the target platform version, the seed image to be used, and the secret required to access the image.
3 (Optional) Specify the list of ConfigMap resources that contain your custom catalog sources to retain after the upgrade, and your extra manifests to apply to the target cluster that are not part of the seed image.
4 Specify the list of ConfigMap resources that contain the OADP Backup and Restore CRs.
5 Defines the upgrade plan.
6 Specify the number of clusters to update in a batch.
7 Specify the timeout limit to complete the action in minutes.

Supported action combinations

Actions are the list of stage transitions that TALM completes in the steps of an upgrade plan for the selected group of clusters. Each action entry in the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR is a separate step and a step contains one or several actions that share the same rollout strategy. You can achieve more control over the rollout strategy for each action by separating actions into steps.

These actions can be combined differently in your upgrade plan and you can add subsequent steps later. Wait until the previous steps either complete or fail before adding a step to your plan. The first action of an added step for clusters that failed a previous steps must be either Abort or Rollback.

You cannot remove actions or steps from an ongoing plan.

The following table shows example plans for different levels of control over the rollout strategy:

Table 1. Example upgrade plans
Example plan Description
- actions: ["Prep", "Upgrade", "FinalizeUpgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 200
    timeout: 60

All actions share the same strategy

- actions: ["Prep", "Upgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 200
    timeout: 60
- actions: ["FinalizeUpgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 500
    timeout: 10

Some actions share the same strategy

- actions: ["Prep"]
    maxConcurrency: 200
    timeout: 60
- actions: ["Upgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 200
    timeout: 20
- actions: ["FinalizeUpgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 500
    timeout: 10

All actions have different strategies

Clusters that fail one of the actions will skip the remaining actions in the same step.

The ImageBasedGroupUpgrade API accepts the following actions:


Start preparing the upgrade resources by moving to the Prep stage.


Start the upgrade by moving to the Upgrade stage.


Finalize the upgrade on selected clusters that completed the Upgrade action by moving to the Idle stage.


Start a rollback only on successfully upgraded clusters by moving to the Rollback stage.


Finalize the rollback by moving to the Idle stage.


Cancel the upgrade on selected clusters that failed the Prep or Upgrade actions by moving to the Idle stage.


Cancel an ongoing upgrade only on clusters that are not yet upgraded by moving to the Idle stage.

The following action combinations are supported. A pair of brackets signifies one step in the plan section:

  • ["Prep"], ["Abort"]

  • ["Prep", "Upgrade", "FinalizeUpgrade"]

  • ["Prep"], ["AbortOnFailure"], ["Upgrade"], ["AbortOnFailure"], ["FinalizeUpgrade"]

  • ["Rollback", "FinalizeRollback"]

Use one of the following combinations when you need to resume or cancel an ongoing upgrade from a completely new ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR:

  • ["Upgrade","FinalizeUpgrade"]

  • ["FinalizeUpgrade"]

  • ["FinalizeRollback"]

  • ["Abort"]

  • ["AbortOnFailure"]

Labeling for cluster selection

Use the spec.clusterLabelSelectors field for initial cluster selection. In addition, TALM labels the managed clusters according to the results of their last stage transition.

When a stage completes or fails, TALM marks the relevant clusters with the following labels:

  • lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-completed

  • lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-failed

Use these cluster labels to cancel or roll back an upgrade on a group of clusters after troubleshooting issues that you might encounter.

If you are using the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR to upgrade your clusters, ensure that the lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-completed or lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-failed cluster labels are updated properly after performing troubleshooting or recovery steps on the managed clusters. This ensures that the TALM continues to manage the image-based upgrade for the cluster.

For example, if you want to cancel the upgrade for all managed clusters except for clusters that successfully completed the upgrade, you can add an Abort action to your plan. The Abort action moves back the ImageBasedUpgrade CR to Idle stage, which cancels the upgrade on not yet upgraded clusters. Adding a separate Abort action ensures that the TALM does not perform the Abort action on clusters that have the lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-upgrade-completed label.

The cluster labels are removed after successfully canceling or finalizing the upgrade.

Status monitoring

The ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR ensures better monitoring experience with a comprehensive status reporting for all clusters that is aggregated in one place. You can monitor the following actions:


Shows all completed actions defined in the plan section.


Shows all actions that are currently in progress.


Shows all failed actions along with a detailed error message.

Troubleshooting image-based upgrades with Lifecycle Agent

Perform troubleshooting steps on the managed clusters that are affected by an issue.

If you are using the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR to upgrade your clusters, ensure that the lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-completed or `lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-failed cluster labels are updated properly after performing troubleshooting or recovery steps on the managed clusters. This ensures that the TALM continues to manage the image-based upgrade for the cluster.

Collecting logs

You can use the oc adm must-gather CLI to collect information for debugging and troubleshooting.

  • Collect data about the Operators by running the following command:

    $  oc adm must-gather \
      --dest-dir=must-gather/tmp \
      --image=$(oc -n openshift-lifecycle-agent get deployment.apps/lifecycle-agent-controller-manager -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?(@.name == "manager")].image}') \
      --image=quay.io/konveyor/oadp-must-gather:latest \(1)
      --image=quay.io/openshift/origin-must-gather:latest (2)
    1 (Optional) You can add this options if you need to gather more information from the OADP Operator.
    2 (Optional) You can add this options if you need to gather more information from the SR-IOV Operator.

AbortFailed or FinalizeFailed error


During the finalize stage or when you stop the process at the Prep stage, Lifecycle Agent cleans up the following resources:

  • Stateroot that is no longer required

  • Precaching resources

  • OADP CRs

  • ImageBasedUpgrade CR

If the Lifecycle Agent fails to perform the above steps, it transitions to the AbortFailed or FinalizeFailed states. The condition message and log show which steps failed.

Example error message
message: failed to delete all the backup CRs. Perform cleanup manually then add 'lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done' annotation to ibu CR to transition back to Idle
      observedGeneration: 5
      reason: AbortFailed
      status: "False"
      type: Idle
  1. Inspect the logs to determine why the failure occurred.

  2. To prompt Lifecycle Agent to retry the cleanup, add the lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done annotation to the ImageBasedUpgrade CR.

    After observing this annotation, Lifecycle Agent retries the cleanup and, if it is successful, the ImageBasedUpgrade stage transitions to Idle.

    If the cleanup fails again, you can manually clean up the resources.

Cleaning up stateroot manually


Stopping at the Prep stage, Lifecycle Agent cleans up the new stateroot. When finalizing after a successful upgrade or a rollback, Lifecycle Agent cleans up the old stateroot. If this step fails, it is recommended that you inspect the logs to determine why the failure occurred.

  1. Check if there are any existing deployments in the stateroot by running the following command:

    $ ostree admin status
  2. If there are any, clean up the existing deployment by running the following command:

    $ ostree admin undeploy <index_of_deployment>
  3. After cleaning up all the deployments of the stateroot, wipe the stateroot directory by running the following commands:

    Ensure that the booted deployment is not in this stateroot.

    $ stateroot="<stateroot_to_delete>"
    $ unshare -m /bin/sh -c "mount -o remount,rw /sysroot && rm -rf /sysroot/ostree/deploy/${stateroot}"

Cleaning up OADP resources manually


Automatic cleanup of OADP resources can fail due to connection issues between Lifecycle Agent and the S3 backend. By restoring the connection and adding the lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done annotation, the Lifecycle Agent can successfully cleanup backup resources.

  1. Check the backend connectivity by running the following command:

    $ oc get backupstoragelocations.velero.io -n openshift-adp
    Example output
    NAME                          PHASE       LAST VALIDATED   AGE   DEFAULT
    dataprotectionapplication-1   Available   33s              8d    true
  2. Remove all backup resources and then add the lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done annotation to the ImageBasedUpgrade CR.

LVM Storage volume contents not restored

When LVM Storage is used to provide dynamic persistent volume storage, LVM Storage might not restore the persistent volume contents if it is configured incorrectly.

Missing LVM Storage-related fields in Backup CR


Your Backup CRs might be missing fields that are needed to restore your persistent volumes. You can check for events in your application pod to determine if you have this issue by running the following:

$ oc describe pod <your_app_name>
Example output showing missing LVM Storage-related fields in Backup CR
  Type     Reason            Age                From               Message
  ----     ------            ----               ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  58s (x2 over 66s)  default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..
  Normal   Scheduled         56s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/db-1234 to sno1.example.lab
  Warning  FailedMount       24s (x7 over 55s)  kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-1234" : rpc error: code = Unknown desc = VolumeID is not found

You must include logicalvolumes.topolvm.io in the application Backup CR. Without this resource, the application restores its persistent volume claims and persistent volume manifests correctly, however, the logicalvolume associated with this persistent volume is not restored properly after pivot.

Example Backup CR
apiVersion: velero.io/v1
kind: Backup
    velero.io/storage-location: default
  name: small-app
  namespace: openshift-adp
  - test
  - secrets
  - persistentvolumeclaims
  - deployments
  - statefulsets
  includedClusterScopedResources: (1)
  - persistentVolumes
  - volumesnapshotcontents
  - logicalvolumes.topolvm.io
1 To restore the persistent volumes for your application, you must configure this section as shown.

Missing LVM Storage-related fields in Restore CR


The expected resources for the applications are restored but the persistent volume contents are not preserved after upgrading.

  1. List the persistent volumes for you applications by running the following command before pivot:

    $ oc get pv,pvc,logicalvolumes.topolvm.io -A
    Example output before pivot
    persistentvolume/pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound    default/pvc-db   lvms-vg1                4h45m
    default     persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-db   Bound    pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            lvms-vg1       4h45m
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                AGE
                logicalvolume.topolvm.io/pvc-1234   4h45m
  2. List the persistent volumes for you applications by running the following command after pivot:

    $ oc get pv,pvc,logicalvolumes.topolvm.io -A
    Example output after pivot
    persistentvolume/pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/pvc-db   lvms-vg1                19s
    default     persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-db   Bound    pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            lvms-vg1       19s
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                AGE
                logicalvolume.topolvm.io/pvc-1234   18s

The reason for this issue is that the logicalvolume status is not preserved in the Restore CR. This status is important because it is required for Velero to reference the volumes that must be preserved after pivoting. You must include the following fields in the application Restore CR:

Example Restore CR
apiVersion: velero.io/v1
kind: Restore
  name: sample-vote-app
  namespace: openshift-adp
    velero.io/storage-location: default
    lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "3"
  restorePVs: true (1)
  restoreStatus: (2)
      - logicalvolumes
1 To preserve the persistent volumes for your application, you must set restorePVs to true.
2 To preserve the persistent volumes for your application, you must configure this section as shown.

Debugging failed Backup and Restore CRs


The backup or restoration of artifacts failed.


You can debug Backup and Restore CRs and retrieve logs with the Velero CLI tool. The Velero CLI tool provides more detailed information than the OpenShift CLI tool.

  1. Describe the Backup CR that contains errors by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-adp velero-7c87d58c7b-sw6fc -c velero -- ./velero describe backup -n openshift-adp backup-acm-klusterlet --details
  2. Describe the Restore CR that contains errors by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-adp velero-7c87d58c7b-sw6fc -c velero -- ./velero describe restore -n openshift-adp restore-acm-klusterlet --details
  3. Download the backed up resources to a local directory by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-adp velero-7c87d58c7b-sw6fc -c velero -- ./velero backup download -n openshift-adp backup-acm-klusterlet -o ~/backup-acm-klusterlet.tar.gz