
The hypershift-addon managed cluster add-on enables the --enable-uwm-telemetry-remote-write option in the HyperShift Operator. By enabling that option, you ensure that user workload monitoring is enabled and that it can remotely write telemetry metrics from control planes.

Resolving user workload monitoring issues

If you installed multicluster engine Operator on OpenShift Container Platform clusters that are not connected to the internet, when you try to run the user workload monitoring feature of the HyperShift Operator by entering the following command, the feature fails with an error:

$ oc get events -n hypershift
Example error
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON           OBJECT                MESSAGE
4m46s       Warning   ReconcileError   deployment/operator   Failed to ensure UWM telemetry remote write: cannot get telemeter client secret: Secret "telemeter-client" not found

To resolve the error, you must disable the user workload monitoring option by creating a config map in the local-cluster namespace. You can create the config map either before or after you enable the add-on. The add-on agent reconfigures the HyperShift Operator.

  1. Create the following config map:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: hypershift-operator-install-flags
      namespace: local-cluster
      installFlagsToAdd: ""
      installFlagsToRemove: "--enable-uwm-telemetry-remote-write"
  2. Apply the config map by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml

Verifying the status of the hosted control plane feature

The hosted control plane feature is enabled by default.

  1. If the feature is disabled and you want to enable it, enter the following command. Replace <multiclusterengine> with the name of your multicluster engine Operator instance:

    $ oc patch mce <multiclusterengine> --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"overrides":{"components":[{"name":"hypershift","enabled": true}]}}}'

    When you enable the feature, the hypershift-addon managed cluster add-on is installed in the local-cluster managed cluster, and the add-on agent installs the HyperShift Operator on the multicluster engine Operator hub cluster.

  2. Confirm that the hypershift-addon managed cluster add-on is installed by entering the following command:

    $ oc get managedclusteraddons -n local-cluster hypershift-addon
    Example output
    hypershift-addon   True        False
  3. To avoid a timeout during this process, enter the following commands:

    $ oc wait --for=condition=Degraded=True managedclusteraddons/hypershift-addon -n local-cluster --timeout=5m
    $ oc wait --for=condition=Available=True managedclusteraddons/hypershift-addon -n local-cluster --timeout=5m

    When the process is complete, the hypershift-addon managed cluster add-on and the HyperShift Operator are installed, and the local-cluster managed cluster is available to host and manage hosted clusters.

Configuring the hypershift-addon managed cluster add-on to run on an infrastructure node

By default, no node placement preference is specified for the hypershift-addon managed cluster add-on. Consider running the add-ons on the infrastructure nodes, because by doing so, you can prevent incurring billing costs against subscription counts and separate maintenance and management tasks.

  1. Log in to the hub cluster.

  2. Open the hypershift-addon-deploy-config add-on deployment configuration specification for editing by entering the following command:

    $ oc edit addondeploymentconfig hypershift-addon-deploy-config -n multicluster-engine
  3. Add the nodePlacement field to the specification, as shown in the following example:

    apiVersion: addon.open-cluster-management.io/v1alpha1
    kind: AddOnDeploymentConfig
      name: hypershift-addon-deploy-config
      namespace: multicluster-engine
          node-role.kubernetes.io/infra: ""
        - effect: NoSchedule
          key: node-role.kubernetes.io/infra
          operator: Exists
  4. Save the changes. The hypershift-addon managed cluster add-on is deployed on an infrastructure node for new and existing managed clusters.