
You can recover a hosted cluster to the same region within Amazon Web Services (AWS). For example, you need disaster recovery when the upgrade of a management cluster fails and the hosted cluster is in a read-only state.

The disaster recovery process involves the following steps:

  1. Backing up the hosted cluster on the source management cluster

  2. Restoring the hosted cluster on a destination management cluster

  3. Deleting the hosted cluster from the source management cluster

Your workloads remain running during the process. The Cluster API might be unavailable for a period, but that does not affect the services that are running on the worker nodes.

Both the source management cluster and the destination management cluster must have the --external-dns flags to maintain the API server URL. That way, the server URL ends with https://api-sample-hosted.sample-hosted.aws.openshift.com. See the following example:

Example: External DNS flags
--external-dns-provider=aws \
--external-dns-credentials=<path_to_aws_credentials_file> \

If you do not include the --external-dns flags to maintain the API server URL, you cannot migrate the hosted cluster.

Overview of the backup and restore process

The backup and restore process works as follows:

  1. On management cluster 1, which you can think of as the source management cluster, the control plane and workers interact by using the external DNS API. The external DNS API is accessible, and a load balancer sits between the management clusters.

    Diagram that shows the workers accessing the external DNS API and the external DNS API pointing to the control plane through a load balancer
  2. You take a snapshot of the hosted cluster, which includes etcd, the control plane, and the worker nodes. During this process, the worker nodes continue to try to access the external DNS API even if it is not accessible, the workloads are running, the control plane is saved in a local manifest file, and etcd is backed up to an S3 bucket. The data plane is active and the control plane is paused.

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  3. On management cluster 2, which you can think of as the destination management cluster, you restore etcd from the S3 bucket and restore the control plane from the local manifest file. During this process, the external DNS API is stopped, the hosted cluster API becomes inaccessible, and any workers that use the API are unable to update their manifest files, but the workloads are still running.

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  4. The external DNS API is accessible again, and the worker nodes use it to move to management cluster 2. The external DNS API can access the load balancer that points to the control plane.

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  5. On management cluster 2, the control plane and worker nodes interact by using the external DNS API. The resources are deleted from management cluster 1, except for the S3 backup of etcd. If you try to set up the hosted cluster again on mangagement cluster 1, it will not work.

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Backing up a hosted cluster

To recover your hosted cluster in your target management cluster, you first need to back up all of the relevant data.

  1. Create a configmap file to declare the source management cluster by entering this command:

    $ oc create configmap mgmt-parent-cluster -n default --from-literal=from=${MGMT_CLUSTER_NAME}
  2. Shut down the reconciliation in the hosted cluster and in the node pools by entering these commands:

    $ PAUSED_UNTIL="true"
    $ oc patch -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS} hostedclusters/${HC_CLUSTER_NAME} -p '{"spec":{"pausedUntil":"'${PAUSED_UNTIL}'"}}' --type=merge
    $ oc scale deployment -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS}-${HC_CLUSTER_NAME} --replicas=0 kube-apiserver openshift-apiserver openshift-oauth-apiserver control-plane-operator
    $ PAUSED_UNTIL="true"
    $ oc patch -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS} hostedclusters/${HC_CLUSTER_NAME} -p '{"spec":{"pausedUntil":"'${PAUSED_UNTIL}'"}}' --type=merge
    $ oc patch -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS} nodepools/${NODEPOOLS} -p '{"spec":{"pausedUntil":"'${PAUSED_UNTIL}'"}}' --type=merge
    $ oc scale deployment -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS}-${HC_CLUSTER_NAME} --replicas=0 kube-apiserver openshift-apiserver openshift-oauth-apiserver control-plane-operator
  3. Back up etcd and upload the data to an S3 bucket by running this bash script:

    Wrap this script in a function and call it from the main function.

    # ETCD Backup
    if [ "${CONTROL_PLANE_AVAILABILITY_POLICY}" = "HighlyAvailable" ]; then
      ETCD_PODS="etcd-0 etcd-1 etcd-2"
    for POD in ${ETCD_PODS}; do
      # Create an etcd snapshot
      oc exec -it ${POD} -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS}-${HC_CLUSTER_NAME} -- env ETCDCTL_API=3 /usr/bin/etcdctl --cacert /etc/etcd/tls/client/etcd-client-ca.crt --cert /etc/etcd/tls/client/etcd-client.crt --key /etc/etcd/tls/client/etcd-client.key --endpoints=localhost:2379 snapshot save /var/lib/data/snapshot.db
      oc exec -it ${POD} -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS}-${HC_CLUSTER_NAME} -- env ETCDCTL_API=3 /usr/bin/etcdctl -w table snapshot status /var/lib/data/snapshot.db
      DATE_VALUE=`date -R`
      set +x
      ACCESS_KEY=$(grep aws_access_key_id ${AWS_CREDS} | head -n1 | cut -d= -f2 | sed "s/ //g")
      SECRET_KEY=$(grep aws_secret_access_key ${AWS_CREDS} | head -n1 | cut -d= -f2 | sed "s/ //g")
      SIGNATURE_HASH=$(echo -en ${SIGNATURE_STRING} | openssl sha1 -hmac "${SECRET_KEY}" -binary | base64)
      set -x
      # FIXME: this is pushing to the OIDC bucket
      oc exec -it etcd-0 -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS}-${HC_CLUSTER_NAME} -- curl -X PUT -T "/var/lib/data/snapshot.db" \
        -H "Host: ${BUCKET_NAME}.s3.amazonaws.com" \
        -H "Date: ${DATE_VALUE}" \
        -H "Content-Type: ${CONTENT_TYPE}" \
        -H "Authorization: AWS ${ACCESS_KEY}:${SIGNATURE_HASH}" \

    For more information about backing up etcd, see "Backing up and restoring etcd on a hosted cluster".

  4. Back up Kubernetes and OpenShift Container Platform objects by entering the following commands. You need to back up the following objects:

    • HostedCluster and NodePool objects from the HostedCluster namespace

    • HostedCluster secrets from the HostedCluster namespace

    • HostedControlPlane from the Hosted Control Plane namespace

    • Cluster from the Hosted Control Plane namespace

    • AWSCluster, AWSMachineTemplate, and AWSMachine from the Hosted Control Plane namespace

    • MachineDeployments, MachineSets, and Machines from the Hosted Control Plane namespace

    • ControlPlane secrets from the Hosted Control Plane namespace

      $ mkdir -p ${BACKUP_DIR}/namespaces/${HC_CLUSTER_NS} ${BACKUP_DIR}/namespaces/${HC_CLUSTER_NS}-${HC_CLUSTER_NAME}
      $ chmod 700 ${BACKUP_DIR}/namespaces/
      # HostedCluster
      $ echo "Backing Up HostedCluster Objects:"
      $ oc get hc ${HC_CLUSTER_NAME} -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS} -o yaml > ${BACKUP_DIR}/namespaces/${HC_CLUSTER_NS}/hc-${HC_CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml
      $ echo "--> HostedCluster"
      $ sed -i '' -e '/^status:$/,$d' ${BACKUP_DIR}/namespaces/${HC_CLUSTER_NS}/hc-${HC_CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml
      # NodePool
      $ oc get np ${NODEPOOLS} -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS} -o yaml > ${BACKUP_DIR}/namespaces/${HC_CLUSTER_NS}/np-${NODEPOOLS}.yaml
      $ echo "--> NodePool"
      $ sed -i '' -e '/^status:$/,$ d' ${BACKUP_DIR}/namespaces/${HC_CLUSTER_NS}/np-${NODEPOOLS}.yaml
      # Secrets in the HC Namespace
      $ echo "--> HostedCluster Secrets:"
      for s in $(oc get secret -n ${HC_CLUSTER_NS} | grep