Determines whether this cache should be distributed or replicated. Defaults to distributed. |
replicated |
Determines if this cache should be started on server startup, or lazily when requested by a service or deployment. Defaults to LAZY. |
Enables invocation batching for this cache. Defaults to false. |
true |
Determines whether or not the cache collects statistics. Disable for optimal performance. Defaults to true. |
false |
Sets the clustered cache mode, ASYNC for asynchronous operations, or SYNC for synchronous operations. |
In ASYNC mode this attribute can be used to trigger flushing of the queue when it reaches a specific threshold. Defaults to 0, which disables flushing. |
100 |
In ASYNC mode this attribute controls how often the asynchronous thread runs to flush the replication queue. This should be a positive integer that represents thread wakeup time in milliseconds. Defaults to 10. |
20 |
In SYNC mode the timeout, in milliseconds, used to wait for an acknowledgement when making a remote call, after which the call is aborted and an exception is thrown. Defaults to 17500. |
25000 |
Number of cluster-wide replicas for each cache entry. Defaults to 2. |
5 |
Number of hash space segments per cluster. The recommended value is 10 * cluster size. Defaults to 80. |
30 |
Maximum lifespan, in milliseconds, of an entry placed in the L1 cache. Defaults to 0, indicating that L1 is disabled. |
100. |
Sets the cache eviction strategy. Available options are UNORDERED, FIFO, LRU, LIRS, and NONE (to disable eviction). Defaults to NONE. |
Maximum number of entries in a cache instance. If selected value is not a power of two the actual value will default to the least power of two larger than the selected value. A value of -1 indicates no limit. Defaults to 10000. |
-1 |
Maximum lifespan, in milliseconds, of a cache entry, after which the entry is expired cluster-wide. Defaults to -1, indicating that the entries never expire. |
10000 |
Maximum idle time, in milliseconds, a cache entry will be maintained in the cache. If the idle time is exceeded, then the entry will be expired cluster-wide. Defaults to -1, indicating that the entries never expire. |
10000 |
Interval, in milliseconds, between subsequent runs to purge expired entries from memory and any cache stores. If you wish to disable the periodic eviction process altogether, then set the interval to -1. Defaults to 5000. |
-1 |
Enables compatibility mode for this cache. Disabled by default. |
true |
A marshaller to use for compatibility conversions. |
com.acme.CustomMarshaller |
Type of JDBC store to configure. This value may either be string or binary. |
string |
Defines the jndiname of the datasource. |
java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS |
Defines the prefix prepended to the cache name used when composing the name of the cache entry table. Defaults to ispn_entry. |
The indexing mode of the cache. Valid values are NONE, LOCAL, and ALL. Defaults to NONE. |
Comma separated list of properties to pass on to the indexing system. |
default.directory_provider=ram |
Enables authorization checks for this cache. Defaults to false. |
true |
Sets the valid roles required to access this cache. |
admin,reader,writer |
If enabled, then the cache will enter degraded mode when it loses too many nodes. Defaults to true. |
false |