

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform provides developers and IT organizations with a cloud application platform for deploying new applications on secure, scalable resources with minimal configuration and management overhead. OpenShift Container Platform supports a wide selection of programming languages and frameworks, such as Java, Ruby, and PHP.

Built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Kubernetes, OpenShift Container Platform provides a secure and scalable multi-tenant operating system for today’s enterprise-class applications, while providing integrated application runtimes and libraries. OpenShift Container Platform enables organizations to meet security, privacy, compliance, and governance requirements.

About This Release

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 3.3 (RHBA-2016:1933) is now available. This release is based on OpenShift Origin 1.3. New features, changes, bug fixes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 are included in this topic.

For initial installations, see the Installing a Cluster topics in the Installation and Configuration documentation.

To upgrade to this release from a previous version, see the Upgrading a Cluster topics in the Installation and Configuration documentation.

Same Product, New Name: OpenShift Container Platform

OpenShift Enterprise is now officially known as OpenShift Container Platform starting with version 3.3. It is the same product in every way; only the name has been changed. The product itself (code, CLI, web console) has been updated starting with version 3.3 to reflect this new name, as has the documentation.

While OpenShift Container Platform is now the official name of the product, the name change is not being backported to previous minor releases of OpenShift Container Platform 3. This means the product and documentation for versions 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2 will remain showing the OpenShift Enterprise name. However, all version 3.3 and later releases of the product and documentation will continue to use the OpenShift Container Platform name.

New Features and Enhancements

Enterprise Container Registry

This release adds the following improvements to the registry and its user experience.

Registry User Interface

The OpenShift Container Platform provides a registry to manage container images. The most noticeable improvements to the registry in 3.3 are in the user interface and its deployment options. The registry can be deployed one of two ways: as an integrated registry in the OpenShift Container Platform web console or as a stand-alone registry.

Integrated Registry User Interface

The updated OpenShift Container Platform integrated registry provides details about the container images it manages and their tagged versions from within the OpenShift Container Platform web console. Each tag of an image stream, from the Builds → Images view, is now a hyperlink that leads to a multi-tabbed page with more information about the selected image.

"Integrated Registry User Interface
Figure 1. Integrated Registry User Interface

The Details tab shows the image author, built-on date, digest hash ID, labels, annotations, and docker version for compatibility comparisons. The Config tab shows how the container image was built and its set of defined metadata labels. The Layers tab shows the size and digest ID for each layer of the image.