Additional scan status gathered from ComplianceSuite
GET /v2/compliance/scan/configurations/{id}
GetComplianceScanConfiguration retrieves the specified compliance scan configurations
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A successful response. |
0 |
An unexpected error response. |
Additional scan status gathered from ComplianceSuite
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
phase |
String |
result |
String |
errorMessage |
String |
lastTransitionTime |
Date |
date-time |
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
code |
Integer |
int32 |
message |
String |
details |
List of ProtobufAny |
Next available tag: 5
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
oneTimeScan |
Boolean |
profiles |
List of |
scanSchedule |
description |
String |
notifiers |
List of V2NotifierConfiguration |
ClusterScanStatus holds status based on cluster in the event that a scan configuration was successfully applied to some clusters but not others. Next available tag: 5
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
clusterId |
String |
errors |
List of |
clusterName |
String |
suiteStatus |
Next available tag: 9
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
id |
String |
scanName |
String |
scanConfig |
clusterStatus |
List of V2ClusterScanStatus |
createdTime |
Date |
date-time |
lastUpdatedTime |
Date |
date-time |
modifiedBy |
lastExecutedTime |
Date |
date-time |
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
notifierId |
String |
mailingLists |
List of |
customSubject |
String |
customBody |
String |
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
emailConfig |
notifierName |
String |
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
intervalType |
hour |
Integer |
int32 |
minute |
Integer |
int32 |
daysOfWeek |
daysOfMonth |
1 for 1st, 2 for 2nd .... 31 for 31st
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
days |
List of |
int32 |