
Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting platform. You can use it to monitor health and availability of Central and Sensor components of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (RHACS). When you enable monitoring, RHACS creates a new monitoring service on port number 9090 and a network policy allowing inbound connections to that port.

Monitoring Central services using the RHACS Operator

You can monitor Central services, Central and Scanner, by changing the configuration of the Central custom resource.

  1. On the OpenShift Container Platform web console, go to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page.

  2. Select the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes Operator from the list of installed Operators.

  3. Click on the Central tab.

  4. From the list of Central instances, click on a Central instance for which you want to enable monitoring for.

  5. Click on the YAML tab and update the YAML configuration:

    • For monitoring Central, enable the central.monitoring.exposeEndpoint configuration option for the Central custom resource.

      apiVersion: platform.stackrox.io/v1alpha1
      kind: Central
            exposeEndpoint: Enabled
    • For monitoring Scanner, enable the scanner.monitoring.exposeEndpoint configuration option for the Central custom resource.

      apiVersion: platform.stackrox.io/v1alpha1
      kind: Central
            exposeEndpoint: Enabled
  6. Click Save.

Monitoring Central services using Helm charts

You can monitor Central services, Central and Scanner, by changing the configuration options in the central-services Helm chart.

  1. Update the values-public.yaml configuration file with the following values:

    central.exposeMonitoring: true
    scanner.exposeMonitoring: true
  2. Run the helm upgrade command and specify the configuration files using the -f option:

    $ helm upgrade -n stackrox \
      stackrox-central-services rhacs/central-services \
      -f <path_to_values_public.yaml>

    You can also specify configuration values using the --set or --set-file parameters. However, these options are not saved, and it requires you to manually specify all the options again whenever you make changes.

Monitoring Central using Prometheus service monitor

If you are using the Prometheus Operator, you can use a service monitor to scrape the metrics from Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (RHACS).

If you are not using the Prometheus operator, you must edit the Prometheus configuration files to receive the data from RHACS.

  1. Create a new servicemonitor.yaml file with the following content:

    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: ServiceMonitor
      name: prometheus-stackrox
      namespace: stackrox
        - interval: 30s
          port: monitoring
          scheme: http
          app.kubernetes.io/name: <stackrox-service> (1)
    1 The labels must match with the Service resource that you want to monitor. For example, central or scanner.
  2. Apply the YAML to the cluster:

    $ oc apply -f servicemonitor.yaml (1)
    1 If you use Kubernetes, enter kubectl instead of oc.
  • Run the following command to check the status of service monitor:

    $ oc get servicemonitor --namespace stackrox (1)
    1 If you use Kubernetes, enter kubectl instead of oc.

Manually enable monitoring

If you have already enabled monitoring using central.monitoring.exposeEndpoint: Enabled or by using the central.exposeMonitoring: true Helm chart customization option, do not run the commands in this section.

Before you can monitor Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes, you must enable monitoring.

  1. Patch the services to expose the port number 9090.

    1. Patch the Sensor service:

      $ oc -n stackrox patch svc/sensor -p '{"spec":{"ports":[{"name":"monitoring","port":9090,"protocol":"TCP","targetPort":9090}]}}' (1)
      1 If you use Kubernetes, enter kubectl instead of oc.
    2. Patch the Central service:

      $ oc -n stackrox patch svc/central -p '{"spec":{"ports":[{"name":"monitoring","port":9090,"protocol":"TCP","targetPort":9090}]}}'
  2. Modify network policies to allow ingress.

    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF (1)
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: NetworkPolicy
        app.kubernetes.io/name: stackrox
      name: allow-monitoring
      namespace: stackrox
      - ports:
        - port: 9090
          protocol: TCP
        - {key: app, operator: In, values: [central, sensor, collector]}
      - Ingress
    1 If you use Kubernetes, enter kubectl instead of oc.

Customizing the default port

To customize the port used for Prometheus metrics in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes Central and Sensor, you can use the ROX_METRICS_PORT environment variable.

  • Set the ROX_METRICS_PORT environment variable:

    $ oc -n stackrox set env deploy/central ROX_METRICS_PORT=<value> (1)
    1 If you use Kubernetes, enter kubectl instead of oc.

You can specify the <value> for the ROX_METRICS_PORT environment variable as:

  • disabled to disable monitoring.

  • :<port_number> to bind it to a wildcard address.

  • <address>:<port_number> to use specific address and port number. You can also specify an IPv6 address by using square brackets, for example, [2001:db8::1234]:9090.