
For additional information about the OpenShift Pipelines lifecycle and supported platforms, refer to the OpenShift Operator Life Cycles and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy.

Release notes contain information about new and deprecated features, breaking changes, and known issues. The following release notes apply for the most recent OpenShift Pipelines releases on OpenShift Container Platform.

Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines is a cloud-native CI/CD experience based on the Tekton project which provides:

  • Standard Kubernetes-native pipeline definitions (CRDs).

  • Serverless pipelines with no CI server management overhead.

  • Extensibility to build images using any Kubernetes tool, such as S2I, Buildah, JIB, and Kaniko.

  • Portability across any Kubernetes distribution.

  • Powerful CLI for interacting with pipelines.

  • Integrated user experience with the Developer perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

For an overview of Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines, see Understanding OpenShift Pipelines.

Compatibility and support matrix

Some features in this release are currently in Technology Preview. These experimental features are not intended for production use.

In the table, features are marked with the following statuses:


Technology Preview


General Availability

Table 1. Compatibility and support matrix
Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Version Component Version OpenShift Version Support Status







Pipelines as Code


Manual Approval Gate





0.22.x (GA)

1.18.x (TP)

0.28.x (GA)

0.12.x (TP)

0.3.x (TP)

4.15, 4.16, 4.17






0.20.x (GA)

1.17.x (TP)

0.27.x (GA)

0.10.x (TP)

0.2.x (TP)

4.14, 4.15, 4.16






0.20.x (GA)

1.16.x (TP)

0.24.x (GA)

0.9.x (TP)


4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16


For questions and feedback, you can send an email to the product team at pipelines-interest@redhat.com.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability 1.16

With this update, Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability (GA) 1.16 is available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.15 and later versions.

New features

In addition to fixes and stability improvements, the following sections highlight what is new in Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines 1.16:


  • With this update, you can configure the resync period for the pipelines controller. For every resync period, the controller reconciles all pipeline runs and task runs, regardless of events. The default resync period is 10 hours. If you have a large number of pipeline runs and task runs, a full reconciliation every 10 hours might consume too many resources. In this case, you can configure a longer resync period.

    Example of configuring a resync period of 24 hours
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
                    - name: tekton-pipelines-controller
                        - "-resync-period=24h"
    # ...
  • With this update, when defining a pipeline, you can set the onError parameter for a task to continue. If you make this setting and the task fails when the pipeline is executed, the pipeline logs the error and continues to the next task. By default, a pipeline fails if a task in it fails.

    Example of setting the onError parameter. After the task-that-fails task fails, the next-task executes
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1
    kind: Pipeline
      name: example-onerror-pipeline
      - name: task-that-fails
        onError: continue
          - image: alpine
            name: exit-with-1
            script: |
              exit 1
      - name: next-task
    # ...
  • With this update, if a task fails, a finally task can access the reason parameter in addition to the status parameter to distinguish if the failure was allowed or not. You can access the reason parameter through $(tasks.<task_name>.reason). If the failure is allowed, the reason is set to FailureIgnored. If the failure is not allowed, the reason is set to Failed. This additional information can be used to identify that the checks failed, but the failure can be ignored.

  • With this update, larger results are supported through sidecar logs as an alternative to the default configuration, which limits results to the size of 4 KB per step and 12 KB per task run. To enable larger results using sidecar logs, set the pipeline.options.configMaps.feature-flags.data.results-from spec to sidecar-logs in the TektonConfig CR.

    Example of enabling larger results using sidecar logs
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
                results-from: "sidecar-logs"
    # ...
  • Before this update, parameter propagation was allowed in PipelineRun and TaskRun resources, but not in the Pipeline resource. With this update, you can propagate params in the Pipeline resource down to the inlined pipeline tasks and its inlined steps. Wherever a resource, such as PipelineTask or StepAction, is referenced, you must pass the parameters explicitly.

    Example of using params within a pipeline
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1 # or tekton.dev/v1beta1
    kind: Pipeline
      name: pipeline-propagated-params
        - name: HELLO
          default: "Hello World!"
        - name: BYE
          default: "Bye World!"
        - name: echo-hello
              - name: echo
                image: ubuntu
                script: |
                  #!/usr/bin/env bash
                  echo "$(params.HELLO)"
        - name: echo-bye
              - name: echo-action
                  name: step-action-echo
                  - name: msg
                    value: "$(params.BYE)"
    # ...
  • With this update, you can use the task run or pipeline run definition to configure the compute resources for steps and sidecars in a task.

    Example task for configuring resources
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1
    kind: Task
      name: side-step
        - name: test
          image: docker.io//alpine:latest
        - name: side
          image: docker.io/linuxcontainers/alpine:latest
    # ...
    Example TaskRun definition that configures the resources
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1
    kind: TaskRun
      name: test-sidestep
        name: side-step
        - name: test
              memory: 1Gi
        - name: side
              cpu: 100m
              cpu: 500m
    # ...


  • With this update, OpenShift Pipelines includes the git-clone StepAction definition for a step that clones a Git repository. Use the HTTP resolver to reference this definition. The URL for the definition is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift-pipelines/tektoncd-catalog/p/stepactions/stepaction-git-clone/0.4.1/stepaction-git-clone.yaml. The StepAction definition is also installed in the openshift-pipelines namespace. However, the cluster resolver does not support StepAction definitions.

    Example usage of the git-clone step action in a task
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1
    kind: Task
      name: clone-repo-anon
      - name: url
        description: The URL of the Git repository to clone
      - name: output
        description: The git repo will be cloned onto the volume backing this Workspace.
      - name: clone-repo-anon-step
          resolver: http
          - name: url
            value: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift-pipelines/tektoncd-catalog/p/stepactions/stepaction-git-clone/0.4.1/stepaction-git-clone.yaml
        - name: URL
          value: $(params.url)
        - name: OUTPUT_PATH
          value: $(workspaces.output.path)
    # ...
  • With this update, the openshift-pipelines namespace includes versioned tasks alongside standard tasks. For example, there is a buildah standard task and a buildah-1-16-0 versioned task. While the standard task might be updated in subsequent releases, the versioned task remains exactly the same as it was in a specified version, except for the correction of errors.

  • With this update, you can configure the FailurePolicy, TimeoutSeconds, and SideEffects options for webhooks for several components of OpenShift Pipelines by using the TektonConfig CR. The following example shows the configuration for the pipeline component. You can use similar configuration for webhooks in the triggers, pipelinesAsCode, and hub components.

    Example configuration of webhooks options for the pipeline component
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
              failurePolicy: Fail
              timeoutSeconds: 20
              sideEffects: None
              failurePolicy: Fail
              timeoutSeconds: 20
              sideEffects: None
    # ...


  • With this update, the readOnlyRootFilesystem parameter for the triggers controller, webhook, Core Interceptor, and event listener is set to true by default to improve security and avoid being flagged by the security scanner.

  • With this update, you can configure OpenShift Pipelines triggers to run event listeners as a non-root user within the container. To set this option, set the parameters in the TektonConfig CR as shown in the following example:

    Example of configuring trigger event listeners to run as non-root
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
          disabled: false
                default-run-as-non-root: "true"
                default-run-as-user: "65532"
                default-run-as-group: "65532"
                default-fs-group: "65532"
    # ...

    Optionally, you can set the values of the default-run-as-user and default-run-as-group parameters to configure the numeric user ID and group ID for running the event listeners in containers. OpenShift Pipelines sets these values in the pod security context and container security context for event listeners. If you use empty values, the default user ID and group ID of 65532 are used.

    You can also set the default-fs-group parameter to define the fsGroup value for the pod security context, which is the group ID that the container processes use for the file system. If you use an empty value, the default group ID of 65532 is used.

  • With this update, in triggers, the EventListener pod template now includes securityContext settings. Under these settings, you can configure seccompProfile, runAsUser, runAsGroup, and fsGroup parameters when the el-security-context flag is set to true.

Web console

  • Before this release, when using the web console, you could not see the timestamp for the logs that OpenShift Pipelines created. With this update, the web console includes timestamps for all OpenShift Pipelines logs.

  • With this update, the pipeline run and task run list pages in the web console now have a filter for the data source, such as k8s and TektonResults API.

  • Before this update, when using the web console in the Developer perspective, you could not specify the timeout for pipeline runs. With this update, you can set a timeout while starting the pipeline run in the Developer perspective of the web console.

  • Before this update, the Overview pipeline dashboard only appeared when Tekton Results was enabled. All the statistics came from only the Results API. With this update, the Overview pipeline dashboard is available regardless of whether Tekton Results is enabled or not. When Tekton Results is disabled, you can use the dashboard to see the statistics for objects in the cluster.

  • With this update, the sample pipelines displayed in the web console use the v1 version of the OpenShift Pipelines API.


  • With this update, you can use the tkn customrun delete <custom_run_names> command to delete one or more custom runs.

  • With this update, when you run a tkn <resource> list command with the -o YAML flag, the listed resources are now separated with --- separators to enhance readability of the output.

Pipelines as Code

  • With this update, if you create two PipelineRun definitions with the same name, Pipelines as Code logs an error and does not run either of these pipeline runs.

  • With this update, the Pipelines as Code pipelines_as_code_pipelinerun_count metric allows filtering of the PipelineRun count by repository or namespace.

  • With this update, the readOnlyRootFilesystem security context for the Pipelines as Code controller, webhook, and watcher is set to true by default to increase security and avoid being flagged by the security scanner.

Tekton Chains

  • With this update, when using docdb storage in Tekton Chains, you can configure the MONGO_SERVER_URL value directly in the TektonConfig CR as the storage.docdb.mongo-server-url setting. Alternatively, you can provide this value using a secret and set the storage.docdb.mongo-server-url-dir setting to the directory where the MONGO_SERVER_URL file is located.

    Example of creating a secret with the MONGO_SERVER_URL value
    $ oc create secret generic mongo-url -n tekton-chains \ #
    Example of configuring the MONGO_SERVER_URL value using a secret
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
        disabled: false
        storage.docdb.mongo-server-url-dir: /tmp/mongo-url
                    - name: tekton-chains-controller
                      - mountPath: /tmp/mongo-url
                        name: mongo-url
                    -  name: mongo-url
                        secretName: mongo-url
    # ...
  • With this update, when using KMS signing in Tekton Chains, instead of providing the KMS authentication token value directly in the configuration, you can provide the token value as a secret by using the signers.kms.auth.token-path setting.

    To create a KMS token secret, enter the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic <secret_name> -n tekton-chains \
      --from-file=KMS_AUTH_TOKEN=/home/user/KMS_AUTH_TOKEN (1)
    1 Replace <secret_name> with any name. The following example uses a KMS secret called kms-secrets.
    Example configuration of the KMS token value using a secret called kms-secrets
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
        disabled: false
        signers.kms.auth.token-path: /etc/kms-secrets/KMS_AUTH_TOKEN
                    - name: tekton-chains-controller
                      - mountPath: /etc/kms-secrets
                        name: kms-secrets
                    -  name: kms-secrets
                        secretName: kms-secrets
    # ...
  • With this update, you can configure a list of namespaces as an argument to the Tekton Chains controller. If you provide this list, Tekton Chains watches pipeline runs and task runs only in the specified namespaces. If you do not provide this list, Tekton Chains watches pipeline runs and task runs in all namespaces.

    Example configuration for watching only the dev and test namespaces
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonConfig
      name: config
        disabled: false
                    - args:
                      - --namespace=dev, test
                      name: tekton-chains-controller
    # ...

Tekton Results

  • Before this update, Tekton Results used the v1beta1 API format to store TaskRun and PipelineRun object records. With this update, Tekton Results uses the v1 API format to store TaskRun and PipelineRun object records.

  • With this update, Tekton Results can automatically convert existing records to the v1 API format. To enable such conversion, set parameters in the TektonResult CR as shown in the following example:

    Example of configuring Tekton Results to convert existing records to the v1 API format
      apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonResult
      name: result
                    - name: api
                        - name: CONVERTER_ENABLE
                          value: "true"
                        - name: CONVERTER_DB_LIMIT
                          value: "256" (1)
    # ...
    1 In the CONVERTER_DB_LIMIT variable, set the number of records to convert at the same time in a single transaction.
  • With this update, Tekton Results now supports fetching forwarded logs from third party logging APIs. You can enable the logging API through the TektonResult CR by setting the logs_api to true and logs_type to Loki.

  • With this update, you can configure automatic pruning of the Tekton Results database. You can specify the number of days for which records must be stored. You can also specify the schedule for running the pruner job that removes older records. To set these parameters, edit the TektonResult CR, as shown in the following example:

    Example of configuring automatic pruning of the Tekton Results database
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonResult
      name: result
              runAt: "3 5 * * 0" (1)
              maxRetention: "30" (2)
    # ...
    1 Specify, in the cron format, when to run the pruning job in the database. This example runs the job at 5:03 AM every Sunday.
    2 Specify the number of days to keep the data in the database. This example retains the data for 30 days.
  • With this update, you can configure Tekton Results to store event logs for pipelines and tasks. To enable storage of event logs, edit the TektonResult CR, as shown in the following example:

    Example of configuring automatic pruning of the Tekton Results database
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonResult
      name: result
                      - name: watcher
                          - "--store_event=true"
    # ...
  • With this update, you can configure Tekton Results to use the OpenShift Container Platform Cluster Log Forwarder to store all log data in a LokiStack instance, instead of placing it directly on a storage volume. This option enables scaling to a higher rate of pipeline runs and task runs.

    To configure Tekton Results to use the OpenShift Container Platform Cluster Log Forwarder to store all log data in a LokiStack instance, you must deploy LokiStack in your cluster by using the Loki Operator and also install the OpenShift Logging Operator. Then you must create a ClusterLogForwarder CR in the openshift-logging namespace by using one of the following YAML manifests:

    YAML manifest for the ClusterLogForwarder CR if you installed OpenShift Logging version 6
    apiVersion: observability.openshift.io/v1
    kind: ClusterLogForwarder
      name: collector
      namespace: openshift-logging
      - application:
              app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: tekton-pipelines
        name: only-tekton
        type: application
      managementState: Managed
      - lokiStack:
              ignoreGlobal: true
              - log_type
              - kubernetes.namespace_name
              - openshift_cluster_id
              from: serviceAccount
            name: logging-loki
            namespace: openshift-logging
        name: default-lokistack
            configMapName: openshift-service-ca.crt
            key: service-ca.crt
        type: lokiStack
      - inputRefs:
        - only-tekton
        name: default-logstore
        - default-lokistack
        name: collector
    # ...
    YAML manifest for the ClusterLogForwarder CR if you installed OpenShift Logging version 5
    apiVersion: "logging.openshift.io/v1"
    kind: ClusterLogForwarder
      name: instance
      namespace: openshift-logging
      - name: only-tekton
              app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: tekton-pipelines
        - name: enable-default-log-store
          inputRefs: [ only-tekton ]
          outputRefs: [ default ]
    # ...

    Finally, in the TektonResult CR in the openshift-pipelines namespace, set the following additional parameters:

    • loki_stack_name: The name of the LokiStack CR, typically logging-loki.

    • loki_stack_namespace: The name of the namespace where LokiStack is deployed, typically openshift-logging.

    Example of configuring LokiStack log forwarding in the TektonResult CR
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonResult
      name: result
      targetNamespace: tekton-pipelines
    # ...
      loki_stack_name: logging-loki
      loki_stack_namespace: openshift-logging
    # ...

Breaking changes

  • With this update, the metric name for the EventListener object for pipelines triggers that counts received events is changed from eventlistener_event_count to eventlistener_event_received_count.

Known issues

  • The jib-maven ClusterTask does not work if you are using OpenShift Container Platform version 4.16 and later.

Fixed issues

  • Before this update, when you uninstalled Tekton Hub by deleting the TektonHub CR, the pod of the hub-db-migration job was not deleted. With this update, uninstalling Tekton Hub deletes the pod.

  • Before this update, when you used Tekton Results to store pod logs from pipelines and tasks, the operation to store the logs sometimes failed. The logs would include the UpdateLog action failing with the canceled context error. With this update, the operation completes correctly.

  • Before this update, when you passed a parameter value to a pipeline or task and the value included more than one variable with both full and short reference formats, for example, $(tasks.task-name.results.variable1) + $(variable2), OpenShift Pipelines did not interpret the value correctly. The pipeline run or task run could stop execution and the Pipelines controller could crash. With this update, OpenShift Pipelines interprets the value correctly and the pipeline run or task run completes.

  • Before this update, Tekton Chains failed to generate correct attestations when a task run included multiple tasks with the same name. For instance, when using a matrix of tasks, the attestation was generated for the first image. With this update, Tekton Chains generates attestations for all tasks within the task run, ensuring complete coverage.

  • Before this update, when you used the skopeo-copy task defined in the OpenShift Pipelines installation namespace and set its VERBOSE parameter to false, the task failed. With this update, the task completes normally.

  • Before this update, when using Pipelines as Code, if you set the concurrency_limit spec in the global Repository CR named pipelines-as-code in the openshift-pipelines or pipelines-as-code namespace, which provides default settings for all Repository CRs, the Pipelines as Code watcher crashed. With this update, the Pipelines as Code watcher operates correctly with this setting.

  • Before this update, all tasks in OpenShift Pipelines included an extra step compared to the cluster tasks of the same name that were available in previous versions of OpenShift Pipelines. This extra step increased the load on the cluster. With this update, the tasks no longer include the extra step as it is integrated into the first step.

  • Before this update, when you used one of the s2i-* tasks defined in the OpenShift Pipelines installation namespace and set its CONTEXT parameter, the task did not interpret the parameter correctly and the task failed. With this update, the task interprets the CONTEXT parameter correctly and completes successfully.

  • Before this update, in Tekton Chains the in-toto provenance metadata, URI and Digest values, were incomplete. The values contained only the information of remote Pipeline and Task resources, but were missing the information of the remote StepAction resource. With this update, the provenance of the remote StepAction resource is recorded in the task run status and inserted into the in-toto provenance, which results in complete in-toto provenance metadata.

  • Before this update, you could modify some of the parameters in the spec field of the PipelineRun and TaskRun resources that should not be modifiable after the resources were created. With this update, you can only modify the allowed fields after the pipeline run and task run are created, such as status and statusMessage fields.

  • Before this update, if a step action parameter was an array type but a string value was passed in a task, there was no error indicating inconsistent parameter types and the default parameter value was used instead. With this update, an error is added to indicate the inconsistent values: invalid parameter substitution: %s. Please check the types of the default value and the passed value.

  • Before this update, task runs and pipeline runs were deleted by an external pruner when logs were streamed through the watcher. With this update, a finalizer is added to Tekton Results for TaskRun and PipelineRun objects to ensure that the runs are stored and not deleted. The runs are stored either as records or until the deadline has passed, which is calculated as the completion time plus the store_deadline time. The finalizer does not prevent deletion if legacy log streaming from the watcher or pruner is enabled.

  • Before this update, the web console supported the v1beta1 API format to display the TaskRun and PipelineRun object records that are stored in Tekton Results. With this update, the console supports the v1 API format to display TaskRun and PipelineRun object records stored in Tekton Results.

  • Before this update, when using Pipelines as Code, if different PipelineRun definitions used the same task name but different versions, for example when fetching tasks from Tekton Hub,the wrong version was sometimes triggered, because Pipelines as Code used the same task version for all pipeline runs. With this update, Pipelines as Code triggers the correct version of the referenced task.

  • Before this update, when you used a resolver to reference remote pipelines or tasks, transient communication errors caused immediate failure retrieving those remote references. With this update, the resolver requeues the retrieval and eventually retries the retrieval.

  • Before this update, Tekton Results could use an increasing amount of memory when storing log information for pipeline runs and task runs. This update fixes the memory leak and Tekton Results uses a normal amount of memory.

  • Before this update, when using Pipelines as Code, if your .tekton directory contained a pipeline that was not referenced by any PipelineRun definition triggered in the event, Pipelines as Code attempted to fetch all the required tasks for that pipeline even though it was not run. With this update, Pipelines as Code does not try to resolve pipelines that are not referenced in any pipeline run triggered by the current event.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability 1.16.1

With this update, Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability (GA) 1.16.1 is available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.15 and later versions.

Fixed issues

  • Before this update, in the Pipelines overview page of the web console, users that do not have access to all namespaces could select All in the Projects list. The console displayed wrong information for that selection, because the statistics for some of the namespaces were not available to the user. With this update, users who do not have access to all namespaces cannot select All in the Projects list.

  • Before this update, when you tried to used the web console to start a pipeline or task that defined a parameter of the type array, entering a value for this parameter resulted in an error and you could not start the pipeline or task. With this update, you can use the web console to start a pipeline or task that defines a parameter of the type array and entering a value for this parameter works normally.

  • Before this update, when using Pipelines as Code with a Bitbucket Git repository, the Pipelines as Code controller sometimes crashed and a panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference message was logged. With this update, the Pipelines as Code controller does not crash.

  • Before this update, when using Tekton Results, the tekton-results-watcher pod sometimes crashed and a panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference message was logged. With this update, the tekton-results-watcher pod does not crash.

  • Before this update, when using Tekton Results, if you enabled authentication in Tekton Results, you could not view information from Tekton Results in the web console, because the web console failed to pass an authentication token to the Tekton Results API. With this update, you can view information from Tekton Results in the web console when authentication is enabled.

  • Before this update, when viewing information from Tekton Results in the web console, if you scrolled down to the end of a page, the console failed to fetch the next set of records and some of the information was not displayed. With this update, if you scroll to the end of the page, records from Tekton Results load correctly and all information displays correctly in the web console.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability 1.16.2

With this update, Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability (GA) 1.16.2 is available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.15 and later versions.

Fixed issues

  • Before this update, in OpenShift Pipelines 1.16, you could not cancel a pipeline run by patching the PipelineRun object and setting the spec.status parameter to Cancelled if the first task run in the pipeline run was completed. Instead, an error message was logged: PipelineRun was cancelled but had errors trying to cancel the TaskRuns and/or Runs. With this update, the pipeline run is cancelled successfully.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability 1.16.3

With this update, Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability (GA) 1.16.3 is available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.15 and later versions.

Fixed issues

  • Before this update, in some cases the Tekton Chains controller repeatedly crashed, making the Tekton Chains component unusable. With this update, the controller no longer crashes.

  • Before this update, if you defined a matrix task that included both regular parameters and matrix parameters, the tekton-pipelines-controller component crashed and logged a segmentation fault message. If the task was not removed, the component continued to crash and did not run any pipelines. With this update, the controller no longer crashes in such cases.