
Installing the distributed tracing platform (Tempo) involves the following steps:

  1. Setting up supported object storage.

  2. Installing the Tempo Operator.

  3. Creating a secret for the object storage credentials.

  4. Creating a namespace for a TempoStack instance.

  5. Creating a TempoStack custom resource to deploy at least one TempoStack instance.

Object storage setup

You can use the following configuration parameters when setting up a supported object storage.

Table 1. Required secret parameters
Storage provider Secret parameters

Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation

name: tempostack-dev-odf # example

bucket: <bucket_name> # requires an ObjectBucketClaim

endpoint: https://s3.openshift-storage.svc

access_key_id: <data_foundation_access_key_id>

access_key_secret: <data_foundation_access_key_secret>


See MinIO Operator.

name: tempostack-dev-minio # example

bucket: <minio_bucket_name> # MinIO documentation

endpoint: <minio_bucket_endpoint>

access_key_id: <minio_access_key_id>

access_key_secret: <minio_access_key_secret>

Amazon S3

name: tempostack-dev-s3 # example

bucket: <s3_bucket_name> # Amazon S3 documentation

endpoint: <s3_bucket_endpoint>

access_key_id: <s3_access_key_id>

access_key_secret: <s3_access_key_secret>

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

name: tempostack-dev-azure # example

container: <azure_blob_storage_container_name> # Microsoft Azure documentation

account_name: <azure_blob_storage_account_name>

account_key: <azure_blob_storage_account_key>

Google Cloud Storage on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

name: tempostack-dev-gcs # example

bucketname: <google_cloud_storage_bucket_name> # requires a bucket created in a GCP project

key.json: <path/to/key.json> # requires a service account in the bucket’s GCP project for GCP authentication

Installing by using the web console

You can install the distributed tracing platform (Tempo) from the Administrator view of the web console.

  • You are logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console as a cluster administrator with the cluster-admin role.

  • For Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated, you must be logged in using an account with the dedicated-admin role.

  • You have completed setting up the required object storage by a supported provider: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation, MinIO, Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage. For more information, see "Object storage setup".

    Object storage is required and not included with the distributed tracing platform (Tempo). You must choose and set up object storage by a supported provider before installing the distributed tracing platform (Tempo).

  1. Install the Tempo Operator:

    1. Go to OperatorsOperatorHub and search for Tempo Operator.

    2. Select the Tempo Operator that is provided by Red Hat.

      The following selections are the default presets for this Operator:

      • Update channelstable

      • Installation modeAll namespaces on the cluster

      • Installed Namespaceopenshift-tempo-operator

      • Update approvalAutomatic

    3. Select the Enable Operator recommended cluster monitoring on this Namespace checkbox.

    4. Select InstallInstallView Operator.

    5. In the Details tab of the page of the installed Operator, under ClusterServiceVersion details, verify that the installation Status is Succeeded.

  2. Create a project of your choice for the TempoStack instance that you will create in a subsequent step: go to HomeProjectsCreate Project.

  3. In the project that you created for the TempoStack instance, create a secret for your object storage bucket: go to WorkloadsSecretsCreateFrom YAML. For more information, see "Object storage setup".

    Example secret for Amazon S3 and MinIO storage
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: minio-test
      endpoint: http://minio.minio.svc:9000
      bucket: tempo
      access_key_id: tempo
      access_key_secret: <secret>
    type: Opaque
  4. Create a TempoStack instance.

    You can create multiple TempoStack instances in separate projects on the same cluster.

    1. Go to OperatorsInstalled Operators.

    2. Select TempoStackCreate TempoStackYAML view.

    3. In the YAML view, customize the TempoStack custom resource (CR):

      apiVersion: tempo.grafana.com/v1alpha1
      kind: TempoStack
        name: sample
        namespace: <project_of_tempostack_instance>
        storageSize: 1Gi
          secret: (1)
            name: <secret-name> (2)
            type: <secret-provider> (3)
              enabled: true
                  termination: edge
                type: route
      1 The secret you created in step 3.
      2 The value of the name in the metadata of the secret.
      3 The accepted values are azure for Azure Blob Storage; gcs for Google Cloud Storage; and s3 for Amazon S3, MinIO, or Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation.
      Example of a TempoStack CR for AWS S3 and MinIO storage
      apiVersion: tempo.grafana.com/v1alpha1
      kind: TempoStack
        name: simplest
        namespace: <project_of_tempostack_instance>
        storageSize: 1Gi
        storage: (1)
            name: minio-test
            type: s3
              memory: 2Gi
              cpu: 2000m
            jaegerQuery: (2)
              enabled: true
                  termination: edge
                type: route
      1 In this example, the object storage was set up as one of the prerequisites, and the object storage secret was created in step 3.
      2 The stack deployed in this example is configured to receive Jaeger Thrift over HTTP and OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP), which permits visualizing the data with the Jaeger UI.
    4. Select Create.

  1. Use the Project: dropdown list to select the project of the TempoStack instance.

  2. Go to OperatorsInstalled Operators to verify that the Status of the TempoStack instance is Condition: Ready.

  3. Go to WorkloadsPods to verify that all the component pods of the TempoStack instance are running.

  4. Access the Tempo console:

    1. Go to NetworkingRoutes and Ctrl+F to search for tempo.

    2. In the Location column, open the URL to access the Tempo console.

      The Tempo console initially shows no trace data following the Tempo console installation.

Installing by using the CLI

You can install the distributed tracing platform (Tempo) from the command line.

  • An active OpenShift CLI (oc) session by a cluster administrator with the cluster-admin role.

    • Ensure that your OpenShift CLI (oc) version is up to date and matches your OpenShift Container Platform version.

    • Run oc login:

      $ oc login --username=<your_username>
  • You have completed setting up the required object storage by a supported provider: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation, MinIO, Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage. For more information, see "Object storage setup".

    Object storage is required and not included with the distributed tracing platform (Tempo). You must choose and set up object storage by a supported provider before installing the distributed tracing platform (Tempo).

  1. Install the Tempo Operator:

    1. Create a project for the Tempo Operator by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f - << EOF
      apiVersion: project.openshift.io/v1
      kind: Project
          kubernetes.io/metadata.name: openshift-tempo-operator
          openshift.io/cluster-monitoring: "true"
        name: openshift-tempo-operator
    2. Create an Operator group by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f - << EOF
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
      kind: OperatorGroup
        name: openshift-tempo-operator
        namespace: openshift-tempo-operator
        upgradeStrategy: Default
    3. Create a subscription by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f - << EOF
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: Subscription
        name: tempo-product
        namespace: openshift-tempo-operator
        channel: stable
        installPlanApproval: Automatic
        name: tempo-product
        source: redhat-operators
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
    4. Check the Operator status by running the following command:

      $ oc get csv -n openshift-tempo-operator
  2. Run the following command to create a project of your choice for the TempoStack instance that you will create in a subsequent step:

    $ oc apply -f - << EOF
    apiVersion: project.openshift.io/v1
    kind: Project
      name: <project_of_tempostack_instance>
  3. In the project that you created for the TempoStack instance, create a secret for your object storage bucket by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f - << EOF

    For more information, see "Object storage setup".

    Example secret for Amazon S3 and MinIO storage
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: minio-test
      endpoint: http://minio.minio.svc:9000
      bucket: tempo
      access_key_id: tempo
      access_key_secret: <secret>
    type: Opaque
  4. Create a TempoStack instance in the project that you created for the TempoStack instance.

    You can create multiple TempoStack instances in separate projects on the same cluster.

    1. Customize the TempoStack custom resource (CR):

      apiVersion: tempo.grafana.com/v1alpha1
      kind: TempoStack
        name: sample
        namespace: <project_of_tempostack_instance>
        storageSize: 1Gi
            secret: (1)
                name: <secret-name> (2)
                type: <secret-provider> (3)
              enabled: true
                  termination: edge
                type: route
      1 The secret you created in step 3.
      2 The value of the name in the metadata of the secret.
      3 The accepted values are azure for Azure Blob Storage; gcs for Google Cloud Storage; and s3 for Amazon S3, MinIO, or Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation.
      Example of a TempoStack CR for AWS S3 and MinIO storage
      apiVersion: tempo.grafana.com/v1alpha1
      kind: TempoStack
        name: simplest
        namespace: project_of_tempostack_instance
        storageSize: 1Gi
        storage: (1)
            name: minio-test
            type: s3
              memory: 2Gi
              cpu: 2000m
            jaegerQuery: (2)
              enabled: true
                  termination: edge
                type: route
      1 In this example, the object storage was set up as one of the prerequisites, and the object storage secret was created in step 3.
      2 The stack deployed in this example is configured to receive Jaeger Thrift over HTTP and OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP), which permits visualizing the data with the Jaeger UI.
    2. Apply the customized CR by running the following command.

      $ oc apply -f - << EOF
  1. Verify that the status of all TempoStack components is Running and the conditions are type: Ready by running the following command:

    $ oc get tempostacks.tempo.grafana.com simplest -o yaml
  2. Verify that all the TempoStack component pods are running by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods
  3. Access the Tempo console:

    1. Query the route details by running the following command:

      $ oc get route
    2. Open https://<route_from_previous_step> in a web browser.

      The Tempo console initially shows no trace data following the Tempo console installation.