
While the Compliance Operator comes with ready-to-use profiles, they must be modified to fit the organizations’ needs and requirements. The process of modifying a profile is called tailoring.

The Compliance Operator provides an object to easily tailor profiles called a TailoredProfile. This assumes that you are extending a pre-existing profile, and allows you to enable and disable rules and values which come from the ProfileBundle.

You will only be able to use rules and variables that are available as part of the ProfileBundle that the profile you want to extend belongs to.

Using tailored profiles

While the TailoredProfile CR enables the most common tailoring operations, the XCCDF standard allows even more flexibility in tailoring OpenSCAP profiles. In addition, if your organization has been using OpenScap previously, you may have an existing XCCDF tailoring file and can reuse it.

The ComplianceSuite object contains an optional TailoringConfigMap attribute that you can point to a custom tailoring file. The value of the TailoringConfigMap attribute is a name of a config map, which must contain a key called tailoring.xml and the value of this key is the tailoring contents.

  1. Browse the available rules for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) ProfileBundle:

    $ oc get rules.compliance -n openshift-compliance -l compliance.openshift.io/profile-bundle=rhcos4
  2. Browse the available variables in the same ProfileBundle:

    $ oc get variables.compliance -n openshift-compliance -l compliance.openshift.io/profile-bundle=rhcos4
  3. Create a tailored profile named nist-moderate-modified:

    1. Choose which rules you want to add to the nist-moderate-modified tailored profile. This example extends the rhcos4-moderate profile by disabling two rules and changing one value. Use the rationale value to describe why these changes were made:

      Example new-profile-node.yaml
      apiVersion: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: TailoredProfile
        name: nist-moderate-modified
        extends: rhcos4-moderate
        description: NIST moderate profile
        title: My modified NIST moderate profile
        - name: rhcos4-file-permissions-var-log-messages
          rationale: The file contains logs of error messages in the system
        - name: rhcos4-account-disable-post-pw-expiration
          rationale: No need to check this as it comes from the IdP
        - name: rhcos4-var-selinux-state
          rationale: Organizational requirements
          value: permissive
      Table 1. Attributes for spec variables
      Attribute Description


      Name of the Profile object upon which this TailoredProfile is built.


      Human-readable title of the TailoredProfile.


      A list of name and rationale pairs. Each name refers to a name of a rule object that is to be disabled. The rationale value is human-readable text describing why the rule is disabled.


      A list of name and rationale pairs. Each name refers to a name of a rule object that is to be enabled. The rationale value is human-readable text describing why the rule is enabled.


      Human-readable text describing the TailoredProfile.


      A list of name, rationale, and value groupings. Each name refers to a name of the value set. The rationale is human-readable text describing the set. The value is the actual setting.

    2. Create the TailoredProfile object:

      $ oc create -n openshift-compliance -f new-profile-node.yaml (1)
      1 The TailoredProfile object is created in the default openshift-compliance namespace.
      Example output
      tailoredprofile.compliance.openshift.io/nist-moderate-modified created
  4. Define the ScanSettingBinding object to bind the new nist-moderate-modified tailored profile to the default ScanSetting object.

    Example new-scansettingbinding.yaml
    apiVersion: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ScanSettingBinding
      name: nist-moderate-modified
      - apiGroup: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
        kind: Profile
        name: ocp4-moderate
      - apiGroup: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
        kind: TailoredProfile
        name: nist-moderate-modified
      apiGroup: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ScanSetting
      name: default
  5. Create the ScanSettingBinding object:

    $ oc create -n openshift-compliance -f new-scansettingbinding.yaml
    Example output
    scansettingbinding.compliance.openshift.io/nist-moderate-modified created