
You can use the kn CLI to list and manage available event sources or event source types for use with Knative Eventing.

Currently, kn supports management of the following event source types:

API server source

Connects a sink to the Kubernetes API server by creating an APIServerSource object.

Ping source

Periodically sends ping events with a constant payload. It can be used as a timer, and is created as a PingSource object.

Listing available event source types using the Knative CLI

You can list the available event source types in the terminal by using the following command:

$ kn source list-types

The default output for this command will look like:

TYPE              NAME                                            DESCRIPTION
ApiServerSource   apiserversources.sources.knative.dev            Watch and send Kubernetes API events to a sink
PingSource        pingsources.sources.knative.dev                 Periodically send ping events to a sink
SinkBinding       sinkbindings.sources.knative.dev                Binding for connecting a PodSpecable to a sink

It is also possible to list available event source types in YAML format:

$ kn source list-types -o yaml

Listing available event sources using the Knative CLI

You can list the available event sources in the terminal by using the following command:

$ kn source list
Example output
NAME   TYPE              RESOURCE                               SINK         READY
a1     ApiServerSource   apiserversources.sources.knative.dev   svc:eshow2   True
b1     SinkBinding       sinkbindings.sources.knative.dev       svc:eshow3   False
p1     PingSource        pingsources.sources.knative.dev        svc:eshow1   True

You can list event sources of a specific type only, by using the --type flag.

$ kn source list --type PingSource
Example output
NAME   TYPE              RESOURCE                               SINK         READY
p1     PingSource        pingsources.sources.knative.dev        svc:eshow1   True

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