$ oc edit networks.operator.openshift.io cluster
As a cluster administrator you can modify the configuration for an existing additional network.
As a cluster administrator, you can make changes to an existing additional network. Any existing Pods attached to the additional network will not be updated.
You have configured an additional network for your cluster.
Install the OpenShift Command-line Interface (CLI), commonly known as oc
Log in as a user with cluster-admin
To edit an additional network for your cluster, complete the following steps:
Run the following command to edit the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) CR in your default text editor:
$ oc edit networks.operator.openshift.io cluster
In the additionalNetworks
collection, update the additional network with
your changes.
Save your changes and quit the text editor to commit your changes.
Optional: Confirm that the CNO updated the NetworkAttachmentDefinition CR by
running the following command. Replace <network-name>
with the name of the
additional network to display. There might be a delay before the CNO updates the
NetworkAttachmentDefinition CR to reflect your changes.
$ oc get network-attachment-definitions <network-name> -o yaml
For example, the following console output displays a
NetworkAttachmentDefinition that is named net1
$ oc get network-attachment-definitions net1 -o go-template='{{printf "%s\n" .spec.config}}' { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "type": "macvlan", "master": "ens5", "mode": "bridge", "ipam": {"type":"static","routes":[{"dst":"","gw":""}],"addresses":[{"address":"","gateway":""}],"dns":{"nameservers":[""],"domain":"us-west-2.compute.internal","search":["us-west-2.compute.internal"]}} }