
You can stop, start, restart, pause, and unpause virtual machines from the web console.

You can use virtctl to manage virtual machine states and perform other actions from the CLI. For example, you can use virtctl to force stop a VM or expose a port.

Starting a virtual machine

You can start a virtual machine from the web console.

  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.

  2. Find the row that contains the virtual machine that you want to start.

  3. Navigate to the appropriate menu for your use case:

    • To stay on this page, where you can perform actions on multiple virtual machines:

      1. Click the Options menu kebab located at the far right end of the row and click Start VirtualMachine.

    • To view comprehensive information about the selected virtual machine before you start it:

      1. Access the VirtualMachine details page by clicking the name of the virtual machine.

      2. Click ActionsStart.

When you start virtual machine that is provisioned from a URL source for the first time, the virtual machine has a status of Importing while OpenShift Virtualization imports the container from the URL endpoint. Depending on the size of the image, this process might take several minutes.

Stopping a virtual machine

You can stop a virtual machine from the web console.

  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.

  2. Find the row that contains the virtual machine that you want to stop.

  3. Navigate to the appropriate menu for your use case:

    • To stay on this page, where you can perform actions on multiple virtual machines:

      1. Click the Options menu kebab located at the far right end of the row and click Stop VirtualMachine.

    • To view comprehensive information about the selected virtual machine before you stop it:

      1. Access the VirtualMachine details page by clicking the name of the virtual machine.

      2. Click ActionsStop.

Restarting a virtual machine

You can restart a running virtual machine from the web console.

To avoid errors, do not restart a virtual machine while it has a status of Importing.

  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.

  2. Find the row that contains the virtual machine that you want to restart.

  3. Navigate to the appropriate menu for your use case:

    • To stay on this page, where you can perform actions on multiple virtual machines:

      1. Click the Options menu kebab located at the far right end of the row and click Restart.

    • To view comprehensive information about the selected virtual machine before you restart it:

      1. Access the VirtualMachine details page by clicking the name of the virtual machine.

      2. Click ActionsRestart.

Pausing a virtual machine

You can pause a virtual machine from the web console.

  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.

  2. Find the row that contains the virtual machine that you want to pause.

  3. Navigate to the appropriate menu for your use case:

    • To stay on this page, where you can perform actions on multiple virtual machines:

      1. Click the Options menu kebab located at the far right end of the row and click Pause VirtualMachine.

    • To view comprehensive information about the selected virtual machine before you pause it:

      1. Access the VirtualMachine details page by clicking the name of the virtual machine.

      2. Click ActionsPause.

Unpausing a virtual machine

You can unpause a paused virtual machine from the web console.

  • At least one of your virtual machines must have a status of Paused.

  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.

  2. Find the row that contains the virtual machine that you want to unpause.

  3. Navigate to the appropriate menu for your use case:

    • To stay on this page, where you can perform actions on multiple virtual machines:

      1. Click the Options menu kebab located at the far right end of the row and click Unpause VirtualMachine.

    • To view comprehensive information about the selected virtual machine before you unpause it:

      1. Access the VirtualMachine details page by clicking the name of the virtual machine.

      2. Click ActionsUnpause.

Controlling the state of multiple virtual machines

You can start, stop, restart, pause, and unpause multiple virtual machines from the web console.

  1. Navigate to VirtualizationVirtualMachines in the web console.

  2. Optional: To limit the number of displayed virtual machines, select a relevant project from the Projects list.

  3. Select a checkbox next to the virtual machines you want to work with. To select all virtual machines, click the checkbox in the VirtualMachines table header.

  4. Click Actions and select the intended action from the menu.