
OpenShift Container Platform has long term support or extended update support (EUS) on all even releases and update paths between EUS releases. You can update from one EUS version to the next EUS version. It is also possible to update between y-stream and z-stream versions.

Cluster updates for telco core CNF clusters

Updating your cluster is a critical task that ensures that bugs and potential security vulnerabilities are patched. Often, updates to cloud-native network functions (CNF) require additional functionality from the platform that comes when you update the cluster version. You also must update the cluster periodically to ensure that the cluster platform version is supported.

You can minimize the effort required to stay current with updates by keeping up-to-date with EUS releases and upgrading to select important z-stream releases only.

The update path for the cluster can vary depending on the size and topology of the cluster. The update procedures described here are valid for most clusters from 3-node clusters up to the largest size clusters certified by the telco scale team. This includes some scenarios for mixed-workload clusters.

The following update scenarios are described:

  • Control Plane Only updates

  • Y-stream updates

  • Z-stream updates

Control Plane Only updates were previously known as EUS-to-EUS updates. Control Plane Only updates are only viable between even-numbered minor versions of OpenShift Container Platform.