
You can authenticate the cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift on the GCP Workload Identity cluster by using the cloud credentials. You can configure the cloud credentials by using the ccoctl binary.

Configuring cloud credentials for the cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift with GCP Workload Identity

Generate the cloud credentials for the cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift by using the ccoctl binary. Then, apply them to the GCP Workload Identity cluster.

  • You extracted and prepared the ccoctl binary.

  • The cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 1.11.1 or later is installed.

  • You have configured an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with GCP Workload Identity by using the Cloud Credential Operator in a manual mode.

  1. Create a directory to store a CredentialsRequest resource YAML file by running the following command:

    $ mkdir credentials-request
  2. In the credentials-request directory, create a YAML file that contains the following CredentialsRequest manifest:

    apiVersion: cloudcredential.openshift.io/v1
    kind: CredentialsRequest
      name: cert-manager
      namespace: openshift-cloud-credential-operator
        apiVersion: cloudcredential.openshift.io/v1
        kind: GCPProviderSpec
        - roles/dns.admin
        name: gcp-credentials
        namespace: cert-manager
      - cert-manager

    The dns.admin role provides admin privileges to the service account for managing Google Cloud DNS resources. To ensure that the cert-manager runs with the service account that has the least privilege, you can create a custom role with the following permissions:

    • dns.resourceRecordSets.*

    • dns.changes.*

    • dns.managedZones.list

  3. Use the ccoctl tool to process CredentialsRequest objects by running the following command:

    $ ccoctl gcp create-service-accounts \
        --name <user_defined_name> --output-dir=<path_to_output_dir> \
        --credentials-requests-dir=<path_to_credrequests_dir> \
        --workload-identity-pool <workload_identity_pool> \
        --workload-identity-provider <workload_identity_provider> \
        --project <gcp_project_id>
    Example command
    $ ccoctl gcp create-service-accounts \
        --name abcde-20230525-4bac2781 --output-dir=/home/outputdir \
        --credentials-requests-dir=/home/credentials-requests \
        --workload-identity-pool abcde-20230525-4bac2781 \
        --workload-identity-provider abcde-20230525-4bac2781 \
        --project openshift-gcp-devel
  4. Apply the secrets generated in the manifests directory of your cluster by running the following command:

    $ ls <path_to_output_dir>/manifests/*-credentials.yaml | xargs -I{} oc apply -f {}
  5. Update the subscription object for cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift by running the following command:

    $ oc -n cert-manager-operator patch subscription openshift-cert-manager-operator --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"config":{"env":[{"name":"CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_NAME","value":"gcp-credentials"}]}}}'
  1. Get the name of the redeployed cert-manager controller pod by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=cert-manager -n cert-manager
    Example output
    NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cert-manager-bd7fbb9fc-wvbbt  1/1     Running   0          15m39s
  2. Verify that the cert-manager controller pod is updated with GCP workload identity credential volumes that are mounted under the path specified in mountPath by running the following command:

    $ oc get -n cert-manager pod/<cert-manager_controller_pod_name> -o yaml
    Example output
      - args:
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/openshift/serviceaccount
          name: bound-sa-token
        - mountPath: /.config/gcloud
          name: cloud-credentials
      - name: bound-sa-token
          - serviceAccountToken:
              audience: openshift
              path: token
      - name: cloud-credentials
          - key: service_account.json
            path: application_default_credentials.json
          secretName: gcp-credentials