
To work with data gathered by the monitoring stack, you might want to use the Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana interfaces. They are available by default.

Accessing Prometheus, Alerting UI, and Grafana using the Web console

You can access Prometheus, Alerting UI, and Grafana web UIs using a Web browser through the OpenShift Container Platform Web console.

The Alerting UI accessed in this procedure is the new interface for Alertmanager.

  • Authentication is performed against the OpenShift Container Platform identity and uses the same credentials or means of authentication as is used elsewhere in OpenShift Container Platform. You must use a role that has read access to all namespaces, such as the cluster-monitoring-view cluster role.

  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform Web console and authenticate.

  2. To access Prometheus, navigate to "Monitoring" → "Metrics".

    To access the Alerting UI, navigate to "Monitoring" → "Alerts" or "Monitoring" → "Silences".

    To access Grafana, navigate to "Monitoring" → "Dashboards".

Accessing Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana directly

You can access Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana web UIs using the oc tool and a Web browser.

The Alertmanager UI accessed in this procedure is the old interface for Alertmanager.

  • Authentication is performed against the OpenShift Container Platform identity and uses the same credentials or means of authentication as is used elsewhere in OpenShift Container Platform. You must use a role that has read access to all namespaces, such as the cluster-monitoring-view cluster role.

  1. Run:

    $ oc -n openshift-monitoring get routes
    NAME                HOST/PORT                                                     ...
    alertmanager-main   alertmanager-main-openshift-monitoring.apps.url.openshift.com ...
    grafana             grafana-openshift-monitoring.apps.url.openshift.com           ...
    prometheus-k8s      prometheus-k8s-openshift-monitoring.apps.url.openshift.com    ...
  2. Prepend https:// to the address, you cannot access web UIs using unencrypted connection.

    For example, this is the resulting URL for Alertmanager:

  3. Navigate to the address using a Web browser and authenticate.

Additional resources