OpenShift Container Platform leverages the Kubernetes concept of a pod, which is one or more containers deployed
together on one host, and the smallest compute unit that can be defined,
deployed, and managed.
Pods are the rough equivalent of a machine instance (physical or virtual) to a container. Each pod is allocated its own internal IP address, therefore owning its entire port space, and containers within pods can share their local storage and networking.
Pods have a lifecycle; they are defined, then they are assigned to run on
a node, then they run until their container(s) exit or they are removed
for some other reason. Pods, depending on policy and exit code, may be
removed after exiting, or may be retained in order to enable access to
the logs of their containers.
OpenShift Container Platform treats pods as largely immutable; changes cannot be made to
a pod definition while it is running. OpenShift Container Platform implements changes by
terminating an existing pod and recreating it with modified configuration,
base image(s), or both. Pods are also treated as expendable, and do not
maintain state when recreated. Therefore pods should usually be managed by
higher-level controllers,
rather than directly by users.
For the maximum number of pods per OpenShift Container Platform node host, see the
Below is an example definition of a pod that provides a long-running
service, which is actually a part of the OpenShift Container Platform infrastructure: the
integrated container registry. It demonstrates many features of pods, most of
which are discussed in other topics and thus only briefly mentioned here:
Example 1. Pod Object Definition (YAML)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
annotations: { ... }
labels: (1)
deployment: docker-registry-1
deploymentconfig: docker-registry
docker-registry: default
generateName: docker-registry-1- (2)
containers: (3)
- env: (4)
value: ...
value: ...
value: "false"
value: ...
image: openshift/origin-docker-registry:v0.6.2 (5)
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: registry
ports: (6)
- containerPort: 5000
protocol: TCP
resources: {}
securityContext: { ... } (7)
volumeMounts: (8)
- mountPath: /registry
name: registry-storage
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
name: default-token-br6yz
readOnly: true
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
- name: default-dockercfg-at06w
restartPolicy: Always (9)
serviceAccount: default (10)
volumes: (11)
- emptyDir: {}
name: registry-storage
- name: default-token-br6yz
secretName: default-token-br6yz
1 |
Pods can be "tagged" with one or more labels, which can then
be used to select and manage groups of pods in a single operation. The labels
are stored in key/value format in the metadata hash. One label in this
example is docker-registry=default. |
2 |
Pods must have a unique name within their
namespace. A pod definition may specify
the basis of a name with the generateName attribute, and random characters
will be added automatically to generate a unique name. |
3 |
containers specifies an array of container definitions; in this case (as
with most), just one. |
4 |
Environment variables can be specified to pass necessary values to each
container. |
5 |
Each container in the pod is instantiated from its own
Docker-formatted container image. |
6 |
The container can bind to ports which will be made available on the pod’s
IP. |
7 |
OpenShift Container Platform defines a
for containers which specifies whether they are allowed to run as
privileged containers, run as a user of their choice, and more. The default
context is very restrictive but administrators can modify this as needed. |
8 |
The container specifies where external storage volumes should be mounted
within the container. In this case, there is a volume for storing the registry’s
data, and one for access to credentials the registry needs for making requests
against the OpenShift Container Platform API. |
9 |
The pod restart policy with possible values Always , OnFailure , and Never . The default value is Always . |
10 |
Pods making requests against the OpenShift Container Platform API is a common enough pattern
that there is a serviceAccount field for specifying which
service account user the pod should
authenticate as when making the requests. This enables fine-grained access
control for custom infrastructure components. |
11 |
The pod defines storage volumes that are available to its container(s) to
use. In this case, it provides an ephemeral volume for the registry storage and
a secret volume containing the service account credentials. |
This pod definition does not include attributes that
are filled by OpenShift Container Platform automatically after the pod is created and
its lifecycle begins. The
Kubernetes pod documentation has details about the functionality and purpose of pods.
Pod Restart Policy
A pod restart policy determines how OpenShift Container Platform responds when containers in that pod exit.
The policy applies to all containers in that pod.
- Tries restarting a successfully exited container on the pod continuously, with an exponential back-off delay (10s, 20s, 40s) until the pod is restarted. The default is Always
- Tries restarting a failed container on the pod with an exponential back-off delay (10s, 20s, 40s) capped at 5 minutes.
- Does not try to restart exited or failed containers on the pod. Pods immediately fail and exit.
Once bound to a node, a pod will never be bound to another node. This means that a controller is necessary in order for a pod to survive node failure:
Condition |
Controller Type |
Restart Policy |
Pods that are expected to terminate (such as batch computations) |
Job |
OnFailure or Never
Pods that are expected to not terminate (such as web servers) |
Replication Controller |
Always .
Pods that need to run one-per-machine |
Daemonset |
Any |
If a container on a pod fails and the restart policy is set to OnFailure
, the pod stays on the node and the container is restarted. If you do not want the container to
restart, use a restart policy of Never
If an entire pod fails, OpenShift Container Platform starts a new pod. Developers need to address the possibility that applications might be restarted in a new pod. In particular,
applications need to handle temporary files, locks, incomplete output, and so forth caused by previous runs.
For details on how OpenShift Container Platform uses restart policy with failed containers, see
the Example States in the Kubernetes documentation.
Injecting Information into Pods Using Pod Presets
A pod preset is an object that injects user-specified information into pods as they are created.
As of OpenShift Container Platform 3.7, pod presets are no longer supported.
Using pod preset objects you can inject:
Developers need to ensure the pod labels match the label selector on the PodPreset in order to add all that information to the pod. The label on a pod associates the pod with one or more pod preset objects that have a matching label selectors.
Using pod presets, a developer can provision pods without needing to know the details about the services the pod will consume. An administrator can keep configuration items of a service invisible from a developer without preventing the developer from deploying pods.
The Pod Preset feature is available only if the Service Catalog has been installed.
You can exclude specific pods from being injected using the "true"
parameter in the pod specification.
See the example pod specification.