
The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) base image is a base image for DPDK applications. It uses the Source-to-Image (S2I) build tool to automate the building of application images.

Source-to-Image (S2I) is a tool for building reproducible and formatted container images. It produces ready-to-run images by injecting application source into a container image and assembling a new image. The new image incorporates the base image (the builder) and built source. For more information, see Source-to-Image (S2I) build.

The DPDK base image comes preinstalled with DPDK, and with a build tool that can be used to create a target image containing the DPDK libraries and the application provided by the user.


Before using the S2I tool, ensure that you have the following components installed and configured:

This example application is the test-pmd application provided by dpdk.org. For more information, see Testpmd Application User Guide.

Building procedure

To build a target image, create a repository containing an application and the following two scripts:

  • build.sh - for building the application

  • run.sh - for running the application

This is an example of build.sh:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

make -C test-pmd

cp test-pmd/testpmd ./customtestpmd

echo "build done"

This is an example of run.sh:

#!/bin/bash -eux

export CPU=$(cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.cpus)
echo ${CPU}
echo ${PCIDEVICE_OPENSHIFT_IO_DPDKNIC} # This is the resource name configured via
the SR-IOV operator.

if [ "$RUN_TYPE" == "testpmd" ]; then
envsubst < test-template.sh > test.sh
chmod +x test.sh
expect -f test.sh

while true; do sleep inf; done;

The example run.sh will run the commands inside the test-template.sh.

spawn ./customtestpmd -l ${CPU} -w ${PCIDEVICE_OPENSHIFT_IO_DPDKNIC}
--iova-mode=va -- -i --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2 --forward-mode=mac --port-topology=loop
set timeout 10000
expect "testpmd>"
send -- "start\r"
sleep 20
expect "testpmd>"
send -- "stop\r"
expect "testpmd>"
send -- "quit\r"
expect eof

This file will run the testpmd compiled application from the build stage. This spawns the testpmd interactive terminal then start a test workload and close it after 20 seconds.

The DPDK base image and the application repository are both used to build a target application image. S2I copies the application from the repository to the DPDK base image, which then builds a target image using DPDK base image resources and the copied application.

You can use the OpenShift Container Platform BuildConfig to build a target image in a production environment. The build-config.yaml file is the file you use to create your automated build. It creates a new dpdk namespace and configures an ImageStream for the image and starts a build. The internal registry must be configured in the cluster.

apiVersion: image.openshift.io/v1
kind: ImageStream (1)
  name: s2i-dpdk-app
  namespace: dpdk
spec: {}
apiVersion: build.openshift.io/v1
kind: BuildConfig
    app: s2i-dpdk
    app.kubernetes.io/component: s2i-dpdk
    app.kubernetes.io/instance: s2i-dpdk
  name: s2i-dpdk
  namespace: dpdk
  failedBuildsHistoryLimit: 5
  nodeSelector: null
  output:  (2)
      kind: ImageStreamTag
      name: s2i-dpdk-app:latest
  postCommit: {}
  resources: {}
  runPolicy: Serial
  source:  (3)
    contextDir: tools/s2i-dpdk/test/test-app
      uri: <repo-uri> (4)
    type: Git
  strategy:  (5)
        kind: DockerImage
        name: registry.access.redhat.com/openshift4/dpdk-base-rhel8:v4.4
    type: Source
  successfulBuildsHistoryLimit: 5
    - type: ConfigChange
1 The kind type specifies the defined image stream.
2 The output type publishes the result of the image stream object.
3 The source type contains the git repository and a context directory within the repository.
4 The repository uri that contains the application and both the build.sh and the run.sh files.
5 The strategy type contains a DPDK base image.

It is the source type and strategy type that build the image.

A complete guide to using BuildConfigs is available in Understanding build configurations.

After the base DPDK image build is ready, you should configure the environment to be able to run the DPDK workload on it.

Deployment procedure
  1. Create a performance profile to allocate Hugepages and isolated CPUs. For more information, see Tuning nodes for low latency via PerformanceProfile.

  2. Create the SR-IOV network policy and the SR-IOV network attachment based on your network card type. For more information, see Using Virtual Functions (VFs) with DPDK and RDMA modes.

  3. Using a deployment config resource instead of a regular deployment allows automatic redeploy of the workload whenever a new image is built. You must create a special SecurityContextConstraints resource that will allow the deployer service account to create the dpdk workload deployment and the deployment config resource pointing to the ImageStream.

    SecurityContextConstraints example:

    apiVersion: security.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SecurityContextConstraints
      name: dpdk
    allowHostDirVolumePlugin: true
    allowHostIPC: false
    allowHostNetwork: false
    allowHostPID: false
    allowHostPorts: false
    allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
    allowPrivilegedContainer: false
      - "*"
      - "*"
    defaultAddCapabilities: null
      type: RunAsAny
    readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
      type: RunAsAny
      type: RunAsAny
      - "*"
    users: (1)
      - system:serviceaccount:dpdk:deployer
      - "*"
    1 This is a list of all the service accounts that will be part of the SCC. You should add here all the namespaces that will deploy the dpdk workload in the following format system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:deployer.
  4. Apply the deployment config resource.

    DeploymentConfig resource example:

    apiVersion: apps.openshift.io/v1
    kind: DeploymentConfig
        app: s2i-dpdk-app
        app.kubernetes.io/component: s2i-dpdk-app
        app.kubernetes.io/instance: s2i-dpdk-app
      name: s2i-dpdk-app
      namespace: dpdk
      replicas: 1
      revisionHistoryLimit: 10
        deploymentconfig: s2i-dpdk-app
          intervalSeconds: 1
          maxSurge: 25%
          maxUnavailable: 25%
          timeoutSeconds: 600
          updatePeriodSeconds: 1
        type: Rolling
            deploymentconfig: s2i-dpdk-app
            k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks: dpdk/dpdk-network  (1)
          serviceAccount: deployer
          serviceAccountName: deployer
            runAsUser: 0
            - image: “<internal-registry-url>/<namespace>/<image-stream>:<tag>”  (2)
                runAsUser: 0
                  add: ["IPC_LOCK","SYS_RESOURCE"]
              imagePullPolicy: Always
              name: s2i-dpdk-app
              terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
              terminationMessagePolicy: File
              resources:  (3)
                  cpu: "4"
                  hugepages-1Gi: 4Gi
                  memory: 1000Mi
                  cpu: "4"
                  hugepages-1Gi: 4Gi
                  memory: 1000Mi
                - mountPath: /mnt/huge
                  name: hugepage
          dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
          - name: hugepage
              medium: HugePages
          restartPolicy: Always
      test: false
        - type: ConfigChange
        - imageChangeParams:
            automatic: true
              - s2i-dpdk-app
            from:  (4)
              kind: ImageStreamTag
              name: <image-stream>:<tag>
              namespace: <namespace>
          type: ImageChange
    1 The network attachment definition name.
    2 The image stream URL.
    3 The requested resource. The limit and request should be the same so the quality of service (QOS) will be guaranteed and the CPUs will be pinned.
    4 The image stream created to start a redeployment when a newly built image is pushed to the registry.